Cardboard cover for the NXT brick

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Cardboard cover for the NXT brick

Post by h-g-t »

This site ... /cover.pdf has a pdf file for a cardboard cover to be wrapped round the NXT brick. I think the idea is that you can put it into your graphics program and apply your team colours, sponsors logos, camouflage or whatever to personalise your brick without actually painting it. You could always glue one of these small, rectangular magnifiers over the screen area as well.

Since the NXT buttons are flush with the surface, you could probably get away with cutting round 3 sides of the square and 2 sides of the triangles so they are hinged, rather than removing them completely.

I have changed it slightly to correct a dimensional error and saved it as jpg & psd files to make it easier to import and modify.
Diagram of cardboard cover for NXT in jpg and psd formats.
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