BrickWorld Chicago goes Thursday-Sunday in the third week of June.
Whenever BrickWorld has a sumo, they do a workshop for people who don't have NXTs. I helped with that. The BOTS (Build On The Spot) Challenge was today. Basically, you've got 8-hours to build and program a robot for the years challenge, which you don't know until you get there. Here are this years rules: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hd87dhdc4xsn4 ... _Rules.PDF Sorry for the poor scan quality. That papers been sitting folded up under a pile of junk since shortly after BrickWorld. Here's the video of my robot:
The first round was a practice run. The next three clips are of the actual contest. I lost, due to a misunderstanding of the rules. I thought the cubes would be scattered across the ring, but they were not.
I also built a boat on Thursday, using hulls I had bought from a vendor earlier in the day. More on that later.
So, Thursday done, I finally got to bed around midnight, as with every day I was there.
Friday starts at 6:00AM, and me waiting two-hours for them to unlock the display halls. At least I got to play Portal 2. After they were unlocked, I finished the aforementioned boat, and worked a bit on my Satellite Repair Bot. After that, there was the boat race, which, unfortunately, I didn't get any videos of. However, I do have a video of my boat on the lake by my house:
Friday night I spent a couple of hours on my Satellite Repair robot, almost finishing it. I also played a simplified round of SRR (Super Robo Rally).
Ah, the first public day! I was a exhibitor, but it seems somebody forgot to take pictures of my table. I'm talking to you, Dad. A couple of hours after opening was the Super Sized Sumo Event. I had two robots; Juggernuat and W.E.D.G.E. Juggernaut took one of the fourth places, and W.E.D.G.E. snagged second! :biggrin: :biggrin: All my sumo clips compiled into one video:
Saturday night was taken up by another game of SRR, but this time it was the full game, so it took about 3-hours, but boy was it fun! Bryan Bonahoom, BW cofounder, walked in when it was about half over and put in the TECHNIC set #8066 in as a prize, but then Steve said (he was near the finish, of course) that first place got to keep the board, and second place got the set (thanks, Steve!). I won second place, and the set has some very good elements I've been missing.
*sniff* :crying: The last day of BW. The Satellite Repair contest was today, and I finished mine just in time. Here's my videos:
Notice the lack of a programmable brick on mine. It was mechanical.
Pack it on up, move it on out. Bye bye BW, see you next year!
I'll be posting individual messages for each thing I made.
If you'd like to hear more about anything, just say so. If you think I missed something, also say so.