Extreme NXT list

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Extreme NXT list

Post by fuzzball27 »

I recently purchased the Extreme NXT book, and I was curious if anyone knew if there is a list of the things I should buy to go through the book? I understand that Appendix B has a list of the websites of where you can buy supplies, but it does not say which website is for what item. Any help?
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Re: Extreme NXT list

Post by mattallen37 »

It really depends on what projects you want to build. Digi-Key and Radio Shack should have nearly all the parts you need, though they will not be the cheapest prices.

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Re: Extreme NXT list

Post by sparramc »

Futurlec (http://www.futurlec.com) is probably the cheapest for the majority of common parts you'll need. Farnell (http://www.farnell.com) is an excellent company for hard to source parts, but are relativly expensive compared to other sources.

I suggest the first purchase should be a Breadboard (eBay or Futurelec) to build your circuits on and a Multimeter (eBay or Futurelec) with Frequency, Restistance, Capacitance, Inductance. A multimeter with a USB connection which will alow you to log your meter readings over time & is a helpful option.

The most important advice I can give to you or anyone wanting to tinker with electronics is: "Don't let fear hold you back!"

Ray McNamara


'The Universe Consists of 1% Hydrogen, & the Rest is Ignorance!'
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