Mindstorms 3.0

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by mattallen37 »

nxtreme wrote:Oh but I sure do! Just think of it, we could have anti-virus programs just because, you know, with every good Microsoft OS comes a bevy of good (i.e. completely awfully horribly bad) assortment of viruses. That'd be the best feature!
I can hardly imagine how sloooooooowwwww the NXT would run it. Oh, yeah, that's true too...

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by muntoo »

Muntoo's Ubuntu NXT...?


I'd rather that the NXT 3.0 Firmware be "barebones" - no fancy H.264, MP3, OGG support. A greyscale display would be nice, but definitely not a 16-bit (or greater) color screen.

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by HaWe »

nxtreme wrote:
mattallen37 wrote:Oh, I don't expect it to ever even sort-of run on the NXT. I was thinking more like if a newer mindstorm controller had an ARM9, ARM11, or Cortex processor.
Oh but I sure do! Just think of it, we could have anti-virus programs just because, you know, with every good Microsoft OS comes a bevy of good (i.e. completely awfully horribly bad) assortment of viruses. That'd be the best feature!
viruses come over ERVERY OS provided there are enough users using it, so that it's worth while programming such a virus. Particulary UNIX based OS and mobile phone OS are probably a worthy goal.

I remember well the IBM compatible PC-AT i80286 (512 kB RAM (yes: kilo-Byte!), 16MHz cpu clock). They were running one of the first Windows versions (Windows 2.1) and I don't recall it was much slower than VISTA on a single core processor ;)

another idea:
Smartphones already have a cam, a color backlit display, sound, BT, and what else.
they just need e.g. 1 highspeed-i2c-bus for daisy-chained sensors and motor-controllers (even though please not like the Hitechnic-Tetrix one :( )...
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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by timpattinson »

Android phone + "official arduino - based development board" + lego = :D :D :D :D
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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by muntoo »

doc-helmut wrote:viruses come over ERVERY OS provided there are enough users using it, so that it's worth while programming such a virus. Particulary UNIX based OS and mobile phone OS are probably a worthy goal.
Except that most hackers love Linux, and do everything in their power to protect it. And Linux pwns Windows in security anyways (by default, the user isn't admin in Linux OSes, and it's a lot easier to escalate privileges, when running "low-privileged").

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by HaWe »

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by mightor »

Except that most hackers love Linux, and do everything in their power to protect it.
Are you kidding me? That's one of the most naive things I've heard all year. There's not some kind of "Internet based vigilante Linux protection posse" fighting against the Dark Forces lead by the blackhats.

I would suggest you read through this website: [LINK] and learn all about the Linux based vulnerabilities. Come back to me when you've read a couple of the articles there. Search for terms such as "local vulnerability" and "privilege escalation".

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by nxtboyiii »

I would just love a grayscale screen!! I would also like it to have at least 1/2 a gig of space and 64 kilobytes of RAM(currently has 32 kilobytes). If it had that then it would be awesome!!
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by muntoo »

nxtboyiii wrote:I would also like it to have at least 1/2 a gig of space and 64 kilobytes of RAM(currently has 32 kilobytes).
Woah, woah, woah. :D

I think 500MB is practically useless if it can't fit into the 0.064MB RAM. Maybe the firmware could implement a page file, but that's not the point.

I think a 10MB HD to 1MB RAM ratio is much better.

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Re: Mindstorms 3.0

Post by nxtboyiii »

Yeah. Forget what I said, muntoo. :) 500 MB is totally useless. I like the 10 MB HD-1 MB RAM ratio. ;)
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III

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