opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

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opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

Post by HaWe »

if I'm opening the Bricxcc help why am I getting RCX / NQC topics and not for NXT / NXC?
Bricx Command Center
version 3.3

Written by John Hansen

(Based on code originally written by Mark Overmars)

Bricx Command Center (BricxCC) was written to more easily work with the Lego MindStorms, CyberMaster, and Spybot robot systems. It is built around NQC (Not Quite C Compiler), written by Dave Baum, that makes it possible to program the RCX, the Scout, the Cybermaster, and the Spybot programmable bricks in a language that is close to C. For more information on NQC, see the tutorial and NQC reference guide provided. BricxCC also supports programming these bricks via MindScript and LASM, LEGO's own programming languages, via the LEGO MindStorms SDK 2.5.

The foundation of BricxCC is a full-featured programmer's editor in which you can write your programs with the integrated ability to compile the programs and download them to the brick. In case of errors they are reported at the bottom of the editor window such that they can be corrected easily. In addition to providing an editor, BricxCC contains tools to control your robot directly, to watch what is happening in the brick, to download (new) firmware, etc.

To run BricxCC it is not necessary to have spirit.ocx (the ActiveX control used with the RIS 1.0 and 1.5 sets) registered on your system.

BricxCC can be used free of charge. Please note that NQC and it documentation are copyrighted by Dave Baum & John Hansen. BricxCC supports version 2.3r1 or later of NQC. See the readme file for more information on copyright and distribution issues. Please send your comments to [email protected]. See the web page

for more information.
Sending Messages

The RCX and the Scout can react to messages. One RCX or Scout can send messages to another. But also the computer can send messages to the RCX/Scout. To use this feature, write an NQC program that looks at messages and makes to robot take action accordingly. For example, use the following program:

task main()
while (true)
until (Message() != 0);
if (Message() == 1) {OnFwd(OUT_A+OUT_C);}
if (Message() == 2) {OnRev(OUT_A+OUT_C);}
if (Message() == 3) {Off(OUT_A+OUT_C);}
It waits for a message not equal to 0 and then takes action according to the number of the message. Now choose Send Messages from the Tools menu. Click on the right number button to send the corresponding message. If you want to send a message larger than 9, choose it with the up and down arrows (or type in the desired message number) and press the button labeled Send.

Please note that sending messages is relatively slow. It takes about half a second before the robot reacts.
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Re: opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

Post by timpattinson »

I think you are getting the BricxCC help which has probably not been updated much since the NXT came around...
If you open a NXC file, you get NXC help, If you open a NQC file you get NQC help. Maybe there should be a parent help file that opens when nothing is open to provide links to the NXC,NQC,BricxCC, etc help
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Re: opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

Post by h-g-t »

The help is context-sensitive so if you have not opened a file you get data about the Center itself and if you open a file you should get help relating to that file type.

I think if you change the compiler in the Preferences section that changes the help available as well.

The Startup section in the Preferences allows you to set the brick type selected when you open the Center and I think that might also have an influence.
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Re: opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

Post by HaWe »

thx to all for your replies!
the context sensitive help is working fine, I'm getting the "vintage help " *gg* if I'm clicking on the <?> button in the toolbar...
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Re: opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

Post by mattallen37 »

Sounds similar to the issue I had. Go to this page to see the solution John came up with for me, that worked.

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Re: opening Bricxcc help: why getting RCX / NQC topics?

Post by afanofosc »

Much of the BricxCC help is about the RCX and NQC since that is what it used to only be about. NBC and NXC help is available when you have an NBC file or an NXC file open in the active editor window. Currently you'll just have to live with that fact. In the future I may enhance the help to talk more about the NXT. The help for all of the BricxCC tool windows is badly in need of improving.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
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