Help with "Text Contains"

Discussion specific to NXT-G, NXC, NBC, RobotC, Lejos, and more.
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Help with "Text Contains"

Post by dudmaster »

Hello, peeps!

I need to do a command just like the Text Contains block but in NXC...
TextContains2.jpg, My Website
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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by physics-matt »

There doesn't appear to be a built in function, but this will probably work:

Code: Select all

bool IsIncluded( string s1, string s2 )
  bool included = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < (StrLen(s2)-StrLen(s1)) && !included; i++)
   included = ( strcmp( s1, SubStr( s2, i, StrLen(s1) ) ) == 0 );
  return included;
I've not tested it, so it may need tweaking to work properly, but it should give you enough of an idea.


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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by dudmaster »

Thx, i will modify to make it work... this is advanced! i'll see what i can do. (i sorta understand), My Website
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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by physics-matt »

No problem. If you do have to modify the code for it to work, be sure to post a copy here.

At any rate, I'm sure you will learn a lot by going through it.

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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by dudmaster »

What does the command "strcmp" do?, My Website
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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by mightor »

string compare :)

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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by physics-matt »

Be sure to read the documentation on strcmp carefully. People often get it wrong first time because it doesn't quite work as they expect ;)
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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by dudmaster »

I see. Well, i have the NXT-G "String Compare" block. I'll study. Thx! ;)
Last edited by dudmaster on 28 Nov 2010, 20:57, edited 1 time in total., My Website
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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by dudmaster »

I see. Well, i have the NXT-G "String Compare" block. I'll study. Thx! ;)

EDIT: It's like this:

Code: Select all

if (Str1 == Str2)
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Re: Help with "Text Contains"

Post by afanofosc »

I don't seem to have a copy of this NXT-G block. Can you tell where you got it from? It might be quite simple to generate an RXE file containing this block and then decompile it to see how it was implemented in NBC code and then translate that into NXC. The cString group of functions in NXC is intended to eventually include the "strstr" function which, in C/C++, returns a char * to the position of str2 in str1 or a null pointer if it is not found. ... ng/strstr/

I would implement it with a signature something like this in NXC:

string strstr(string str1, string str2);

The strcmp API function in NXC is very inefficient if you don't need to know < or > which in this case you don't. So I would just use == to compare the output of SubStr with the value of s1. I would also pre-calculate the length of s1 and the difference between the two string lengths. Also, you need to allow for equal length strings by using <= rather than just <. Like this:

Code: Select all

bool IsIncluded( string s1, string s2 )
  bool included = false;
  int l1 = StrLen(s1);
  int lDelta = StrLen(s2)-l1;
  for (int i = 0; i <= lDelta && !included; i++)
   included = (s1 == SubStr( s2, i, l1 ) );
  return included;
Here's a slightly more efficient version that uses a repeat loop rather than a for loop:

Code: Select all

bool IsIncluded( string s1, string s2 )
  int l1 = StrLen(s1);
  int lDelta = StrLen(s2)-l1;
  int i = 0;
    if (s1 == SubStr( s2, i, l1))
      return true;
  return false;
And here's a hand-tuned asm block version that may be instructive as to how the NXC API is defined in a lot of cases:

Code: Select all

asm {
dseg	segment
  __IsIncluded_i sword
  __IsIncluded_l1 sword
  __IsIncluded_lDelta sword
  __IsIncluded_tmpstr byte[]
  __IsIncluded_s2 byte[]
  __IsIncluded_s1 byte[]
  __IsIncluded_Result byte
  __IsIncluded_Mutex mutex
dseg	ends

subroutine __IsIncluded
	arrsize __IsIncluded_l1, __IsIncluded_s1
	sub __IsIncluded_l1, __IsIncluded_l1, 1
	arrsize __IsIncluded_lDelta, __IsIncluded_s2
	sub __IsIncluded_lDelta, __IsIncluded_lDelta, __IsIncluded_l1
	set __IsIncluded_i, 0
	sub __IsIncluded_lDelta, __IsIncluded_lDelta, 1
	brtst 0, __IsIncluded_RepeatEnd, __IsIncluded_lDelta
	strsubset __IsIncluded_tmpstr, __IsIncluded_s2, __IsIncluded_i, __IsIncluded_l1
	cmp 4, __IsIncluded_Result, __IsIncluded_s1, __IsIncluded_tmpstr
	brtst 4, __IsIncluded_RepeatAgain, __IsIncluded_Result
	add __IsIncluded_i, __IsIncluded_i, 1
	jmp __IsIncluded_Repeat
	set __IsIncluded_Result, 0

#define IsIncluded(_s1, _s2) \
asm { \
  acquire __IsIncluded_Mutex \
  mov __IsIncluded_s1, _s1 \
  mov __IsIncluded_s2, _s2 \
  call __IsIncluded \
  mov __RETVAL__, __IsIncluded_Result \
  release __IsIncluded_Mutex \
John Hansen
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