using the Mindsensors MS RCX motor mux (MTRMX-Nx): here are some easier commands to control it:
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safecall void OUT_MSMMux(char NXTport, byte muxmot, int speed)
0 and values >=1000 are features to switch the motor with those commands either to coast or to break, so
speed: -100...+100,
0: coast,
>=1000: break,
positive values: forward
negative values: reverse
By this you are able - if you wish - to write your own functional wraps around this function :
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void OFF_MSMMux() // pass speed=1000 to OUT_MSMMux
void COAST_MSMMux() // pass speed=0 to OUT_MSMMux
here's a demonstration code :
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#define RCXMMux_Port S2
#define MC_FLOAT 0x00
#define MC_COAST 0x00 // redundant
#define MC_FORWARD 0x01
#define MC_REVERSE 0x02
#define MC_BRAKE 0x03
#define RCXMMux_ADDR 0xB4
inline void MS_MTRMXControl(byte port, byte i2cAddr, byte motorNumber, byte control, byte speed)
byte location;
byte message[20];
byte nByteReady = 0;
location = 0x40 + motorNumber*2;
ArrayBuild(message, i2cAddr, location, control, speed);
while (I2CStatus(RCXMMux_Port, nByteReady) == STAT_COMM_PENDING);
I2CWrite(port, 0, message);
while (I2CStatus(RCXMMux_Port, nByteReady) == STAT_COMM_PENDING);
// OUT_MSMMuxspeed= -100...0...+100 : 0=coast, 1000=break
// muxmot= 1...4
inline void OUT_MSMMux(char NXTport, byte muxmot, int speed)
byte motcmd=0;
if (speed>=1000) { motcmd= MC_BRAKE; speed=255; } // <=== special brake value
else {
if (speed>0) { motcmd= MC_FORWARD; speed= speed*255/100; }
if (speed<0) { motcmd= MC_REVERSE; speed=-speed*255/100; }
if (speed==0) { motcmd= MC_COAST; speed=0; }
if(speed>255) speed=255;
MS_MTRMXControl(NXTport, RCXMMux_ADDR, muxmot, motcmd, speed);
task main() {
TextOut(0,56, "RCXMMux Test");
while(1) {
if ( ButtonPressed(BTNLEFT, true) ) {
OUT_MSMMux(RCXMMux_Port, 1, 100);
if ( ButtonPressed(BTNRIGHT, true) ) {
OUT_MSMMux(RCXMMux_Port, 1, -100);
if ( ButtonPressed(BTNCENTER, true) ) {
OUT_MSMMux(RCXMMux_Port, 1, 0);