Released: ROBOTC Driver Suite 3.2

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Released: ROBOTC Driver Suite 3.2

Post by mightor »

A new Driver Suite is here for your installing pleasure. The NXT2WIFI is pretty much done as far as I am concerned. I may add some nice wrappers for sending Tweets and that sort of thing but maybe someone else can do that and I’ll add the code to the Suite. I need some people to test the Dexter Industries dWiFi driver. I have made some pretty extensive changes to it and it needs more testing. Next up are the NXTBee drivers, they still need a bit of love.

  • This suite will not work with anything less than ROBOTC 3.55 beta, make sure you update your IDE. You can download it here: [LINK].
What’s new?
  • Added new example for the Mindsensors Angle Sensor
  • Added filtering capabilities to the Mindsensors IMU driver
  • Added configuration and initial setup programs for NXT2WIFI
  • You now need to configure a custom profile for the NXT2WIFI in order for the examples to work. See benedetelli-nxt2wifi-config.c for details
  • Added SMUX support for HiTechnic IR Seeker V2 enhanced mode through Sensor MUX. Big thanks to Gus from HT for sending me the code and examples!
  • dWiFi has undergone major changes, I need some people to help me test some of this stuff.
  • Minor bug fixes in HiTechnic Angle Sensor and Compass
How can you help?
Send me your bug reports, tell me what’s not working for you. Alternatively, leave words of encouragement, kudos and/or compliments via email or in a comment. If you want to know how else you can help me, click here: [LINK].

Where can I download it?
You can get it at the usual place: [LINK].
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