First of all, I have no idea whether I'm just too stupid to come to a conclusion regarding the problem, or it is just not possible to solve it without adding additional sensors/hardware...
Either way, time doesn't run slower and the deadline comes closer far too fast and I really hope that you are able to help me.
The task:
A Robot controlled by a single NXT-Brick has to follow a black line on white ground. Occasionally there are 3 white stripes on the black line indicating a platform next to the road. The roboter then has to leave the course, push a small ball off the platform, return to the line and continue it's journey.
- length: 16m
- diameter: 3-6cm
- length: 2cm
- diameter: 3-6cm
To build the robot we are allowed to use 1 NXT-Brick, 3 motors, 2 light sensors, 2 touch sensors and all kinds of non-electrical LEGO-Bricks. The code has to be written in NXC.
As for now my group and I were able to code the program which lets the robot follow the black line.
This is a video of an earlier stage of the robot:
You can see the stripes and the platform around 0:15 mins
I know that you all are much much more familiar with Mindstorms, NXT and NXC and I really hope there is someone able to help.
Hoping for fast answers,
P.s. I hope I added all the information needed. If something important misses please tell me.