BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

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Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by HaWe »

test with new release 2011-10-25:
doc-helmut wrote:Matrix test, jch version:

Code: Select all

            // Matrix algebra / arithmetics
// vers. 0.92t (HaWe+jch+splrc version)

#define MatrixMulS(_Out, _A, _s) asm { mul _Out, _A, _s }
#define MatrixDivS(_Out, _A, _s) asm { div _Out, _A, _s }

#define MatrixAdd(_Out, _A, _B) asm { add _Out, _A, _B }
#define MatrixSub(_Out, _A, _B) asm { sub _Out, _A, _B }

#define ArrayIndex(_out, _A, _i)   asm { index _out, _A, _i }
#define ArrayReplace(_A, _i, _new) asm { replace _A, _A, _i, _new }

#define BranchTest(_cmp, _lbl, _v1) asm{ brtst _cmp, _lbl, _v1 }
#define BranchComp(_cmp, _lbl, _v1, _v2) asm{ brcmp _cmp, _lbl, _v1, _v2 }

#define ArrayInit2D(array, tmp, init_val, dimx, dimy) { \
  ArrayInit(tmp, init_val, dimy);  \
  ArrayInit(array, tmp, dimx);     \
  ArrayInit(tmp,0,0);              \

void MatrixTransp(float A[][], float &C[][], int R, int S) {
   float tmp[], arr_temp[], val_temp;
   int s, r;
   ArrayInit(tmp, 0, R);
   ArrayInit(C, tmp, S);
   s = S;
      r = R;
         ArrayIndex(arr_temp, A, r);
         ArrayIndex(val_temp, arr_temp, s);
         ArrayReplace(tmp, r, val_temp);
      BranchTest(GT, lbl_Trans_start_r, r);
      ArrayReplace(C, s, tmp);
   BranchTest(GT, lbl_Trans_start_s, s);

                                               // N x M Matrix  *  M x K Matrix, OLD version
void MatrixMatrixMult_OLD(float A[][], float B[][], float &C[][], int N, int M, int K){
  int i, j, s;

  for (i=0; i<N; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<K; ++j) {
       for (s=0; s<M; ++s) {
         C[i][j]=C[i][j] + A[i][s]*B[s][j];

                                               // N x M Matrix  *  M x K Matrix, NEW version
void MatrixMatrixMult(float A[][], float B[][], float &C[][], int N, int M, int K){
   float arr_temp[];
   //Set size of C
   ArrayInit( arr_temp, 0, K );
   ArrayInit( C, arr_temp, N );

lbl_Mult_start_i:   N--;   //Loop start
      //Speed up arrays
      float A_i[];
      float C_i[];
      ArrayIndex(A_i, A, N);
      ArrayIndex(C_i, C, N);

      int j = K;
lbl_Mult_start_j: j--;   //Second loop start
         float sum = 0;

         int s = M;
lbl_Mult_start_s: s--;   //Third loop start

            //sum += A_i[s]*B[s][j];
            float temp, sum_temp;
            ArrayIndex(sum_temp, A_i, s);
            ArrayIndex(arr_temp, B, s);
            ArrayIndex(temp, arr_temp, j);
            sum_temp *= temp;
            sum += sum_temp;
         asm { brtst GT, lbl_Mult_start_s, s }
         ArrayReplace(C_i, j, sum);
      asm { brtst GT, lbl_Mult_start_j, j }
      ArrayReplace(C, N, C_i);
     asm { brtst GT, lbl_Mult_start_i, N }

void MatrixRotate2DMath(float A[][], float &C[][], float angleDeg) {
   float tmp[], x, B[][];

   ArrayInit2D(C, tmp, 0, 2, 2);

   ArrayInit2D(B, tmp, x, 2, 2);
   B[1][0]= x;

   MatrixMatrixMult(B, A, C, 2, 2, 2);

#define MatrixRotate2DGeo(A,C, d) MatrixRotate2DMath(A,C,-d)

float MatrixDet2x2(float A[][]) {               // Determinante 1x1, 2x2, 3x3
   float r0[], r1[], r2[], v00, v01, v02, v10, v11, v12, v20, v21, v22;

      r0 = A[0];
      r1 = A[1];
      return ( r0[0]*r1[1]- r0[1]*r1[0] );

float MatrixDet3x3(float A[][]) {               // Determinante  3x3
   float r0[], r1[], r2[], v00, v01, v02, v10, v11, v12, v20, v21, v22;

      r0 = A[0];
      r1 = A[1];
      r2 = A[2];
      v00 = r0[0]; v01 = r0[1]; v02 = r0[2];
      v10 = r1[0]; v11 = r1[1]; v12 = r1[2];
      v20 = r2[0]; v21 = r2[1]; v22 = r2[2];
      return (v00*v11*v22


void MatrixAdj2x2 (float A[][], float &C[][]) {  // Adjugate=Adjunkte 1x1, 2x2, 3x3
  float r0[], r1[], r2[], c0[], c1[], c2[], t0, t1, t2;

    ArrayIndex(r0, A, 0);
    ArrayIndex(r1, A, 1);
    ArrayIndex(t0, r1, 1);
    ArrayIndex(t1, r0, 1);
    asm { mul t1, t1, -1 }
    ArrayBuild(c0, t0, t1);
    ArrayIndex(t0, r1, 0);
    asm { mul t0, t0, -1 }
    ArrayIndex(t1, r0, 0);
    ArrayBuild(c1, t0, t1);
    ArrayBuild(C, c0, c1);


void MatrixAdj3x3 (float A[][], float &C[][]) {  // Adjugate=Adjunkte 1x1, 2x2, 3x3
  float r0[], r1[], r2[], c0[], c1[], c2[], t0, t1, t2;

    float v00, v01, v02, v10, v11, v12, v20, v21, v22;
    r0 = A[0]; r1 = A[1]; r2 = A[2];
    v00 = r0[0]; v01 = r0[1]; v02 = r0[2];
    v10 = r1[0]; v11 = r1[1]; v12 = r1[2];
    v20 = r2[0]; v21 = r2[1]; v22 = r2[2];

    t0 = v11*v22-v12*v21;
    t1 = v02*v21-v01*v22;
    t2 = v01*v12-v02*v11;
    ArrayBuild(c0, t0, t1, t2);

    t0 = v12*v20-v10*v22;
    t1 = v00*v22-v02*v20;
    t2 = v02*v10-v00*v12;
    ArrayBuild(c1, t0, t1, t2);

    t0 = v10*v21-v11*v20;
    t1 = v01*v20-v00*v21;
    t2 = v00*v11-v01*v10;
    ArrayBuild(c2, t0, t1, t2);

    ArrayBuild(C, c0, c1, c2);


bool MatrixInverse2x2(float A[][], float &C[][]) {
   float det;

   if (det==0) return 0;
   else {
     MatrixAdj2x2(A, C);
     return 1;

bool MatrixInverse3x3(float A[][], float &C[][]) {
   float det;

   if (det==0) return 0;
   else {
     MatrixAdj3x3(A, C);
     return 1;

void MatrixLinear(float A[][], float &C[], int R, int S) {
  int i=0, s, r;
  int dim=R*S;
  ArrayInit(C, 0, dim);
  for (s=0; s<S; ++s) {
    for (r=0; r<R; ++r) {

void SubMatrix(float A[][], float &C[][], int RS, int r, int s) {
  int i=0, j=0, x=0, y=0, dim_1;
  float tmp[];

  ArrayInit2D(C, tmp, 0, dim_1, dim_1);

  for (y=0; y<RS; ++y) {
    for (x=0; x<RS; ++x) {
      if ((x!=r)&&(y!=s))   {
         if (i>=dim_1){
           i=0; ++j;

float MatrixMinor(float A[][], int RS, int r, int s) {
   float C[][];

   SubMatrix(A, C, RS, r, s);

   if(RS==3) {
     return MatrixDet2x2(C);
   if(RS==4) {
     return MatrixDet3x3(C);

float MatrixCofactor(float A[][], int RS, int r, int s) {
   float x;

   return pow(-1, r+s)* MatrixMinor(A, RS, r, s);;

float MatrixDet4x4(float A[][])  {
   float det=0, x=0;
   int i, j=0, n0, max0=0, imax0, jmax0=0;

   for (j=0; j<4; ++j) {    // find column with most 0's: jmax0
     for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
       if (A[i][j]==0) ++n0;
     if (max0<n0) {max0=n0; jmax0=j;}

   for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {    // find row with most 0's: imax0
     for (j=0; j<4; ++j) {
       if (A[i][j]==0) ++n0;
     if (max0<n0) {max0=n0; imax0=i;}

   if (jmax0>imax0) {
     for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {         // develop from jmax0
       if ( A[i][jmax0]!=0) {      // 0*?=0
          x=A[i][jmax0]*MatrixCofactor(A, 4, i, jmax0);
     //TextOut(72,56,"j"); NumOut(80,56,jmax0); //debug
     return det;
   else  {
     for (j=0; j<4; ++j) {         // develop from imax0
       if ( A[imax0][j]!=0) {      // 0*?=0
          x=A[imax0][j]*MatrixCofactor(A, 4, imax0, j);
     //TextOut(72,56,"i"); NumOut(80,56,imax0); //debug
     return det;

// speed test
long time0, runtime;

task main() {

  float A[][], B[][], C[][], x;
  float O[][], T[][], L[][], tmp[];;
  int loop;

 for (loop=0; loop<100; ++loop)
  ArrayInit2D(A, tmp, 0, 2,2);
  ArrayInit2D(B, tmp, 0, 2,2);
  ArrayInit2D(C, tmp, 0, 2,2);

  ArrayInit2D(O, tmp, 0, 4,4);


  O[0][0]=0;   O[0][1]=0;   O[0][2]=8;   O[0][3]=22;
  O[1][0]=1;   O[1][1]=5;   O[1][2]=9;   O[1][3]=13;
  O[2][0]=2;   O[2][1]=6;   O[2][2]=10;  O[2][3]=14;
  O[3][0]=3;   O[3][1]=7;   O[3][2]=22;  O[3][3]=15;


  SubMatrix(O,T,4, 2,1);  // expanded to A[i][j]


  SubMatrix(T,C,3, 0,1);


  x=MatrixMinor(T, 3, 0,1);

  x=MatrixCofactor(T, 3, 0,1);

  A[0][0]=1;   A[0][1]=3;
  A[1][0]=2;   A[1][1]=4;

  B=A; B*=x;

  C=A; C+=B;





  A[0][0]=1;   A[0][1]=1;
  A[1][0]=1;   A[1][1]=0;



 TextOut(0,40,"run time");
 NumOut (0,32, runtime);   TextOut(72,32,"msec");


// old release 2010702:
// level 0: 9784
// level 1: 8462
// level 2: 7385
// level 3: 7385
// level 4: 7383

// new release 20110720:
// level 0: 9715
// level 1: 8470
// level 2: file error -1
// level 3: file error -1
// level 4: file error -1

the same for new fw, removed code

Code: Select all

#define ArrayIndex(_out, _A, _i)   asm { index _out, _A, _i }
#define ArrayReplace(_A, _i, _new) asm { replace _A, _A, _i, _new }

#define BranchTest(_cmp, _lbl, _v1) asm{ brtst _cmp, _lbl, _v1 }
#define BranchComp(_cmp, _lbl, _v1, _v2) asm{ brcmp _cmp, _lbl, _v1, _v2 }
// new release 2011-10-25:
// level 0: 8780
// level 1: 7861
// level 2: file error -1
// level 3: file error -1
// level 4: file error -1

still stable is old release 2010702! (see above)
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Location: Nashville, TN

Re: BricxCC/NBC test release 2011-07-19

Post by afanofosc »

So in looking at this today I finally noticed and fixed the problem I introduced back in July where the resulting NBC code had duplicate constant variables. I've fixed that. Maybe that defect plays a role in the error you are seeing. But I do know for certain that if I comment out the "or IsArrayHelper" bit of code that I added to the "IsVolatile" function that the File Error -1 goes away. This change would take away the ability to optimize out the "array helper" variables that the compiler creates when you index into multi-dimensional arrays. I'd prefer to keep in that ability if we can figure out the root cause for this error.

I was able to determine that the matrix code runs fine if you don't try to call submatrix with C reused as the output parameter. If you use L instead where C is used as the 2x2 output and in the call to the 2x2 determinant function then everything is fine. And fast. (Well, faster than the above results).

The only difference between the code with the array helper still in the code vs the version with it optimized out is that the submatrix function's reference parameter is copied into the array helper and then immediately afterward copied into the original variable (in this case C). In the optimized version the reference parameter is copied directly into the original variable. So it makes me think that it might be a firmware bug.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
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