Search found 19 matches

by linmix
10 Oct 2010, 23:19
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Best Robot Idea Ever!!
Replies: 11
Views: 20938

Re: Best Robot Idea Ever!!

Cost aside, regular Lego/Technic pieces just aren't made to stand up to long term use either. Several creations I've made for display at science fairs and such have run for an hour or two and by then any moving piece is coated in ABS plastic dust. Maybe that also depends on how you design and build...
by linmix
08 Oct 2010, 22:10
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: evil summed up in one picture:
Replies: 4
Views: 11393

Re: evil summed up in one picture:

Well, congratulations, you found us!
by linmix
08 Oct 2010, 15:28
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: LEGO at TRU
Replies: 11
Views: 21422


The tractor with hauler was called a bad set because basically it was a re-edition of another set, simply adding the hauler, meaning that for a collector or great Technic fan it had very little interest. In addition the "original"set had a complement that could be attached to the output sh...
by linmix
04 Oct 2010, 22:12
Forum: Site Comments/Complaints/Suggestions
Topic: Mark all topics read
Replies: 2
Views: 7961

Re: Mark all topics read

Should have remembered - someone mentioned that. Thanks anyway.
by linmix
04 Oct 2010, 19:44
Forum: Site Comments/Complaints/Suggestions
Topic: Mark all topics read
Replies: 2
Views: 7961

Mark all topics read

I'd like to have a "mark all topics read" button on the read unread posts page.
I know I can do so on the main page and in each subforum, but I like to read the forum from the unread post page.
by linmix
02 Oct 2010, 22:28
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Counting
Replies: 3
Views: 10249

Re: Counting

Follow Xander´s suggestion. You'll lean a lot of useful and interesting stuff. To get you on the way with your program in NXT-G, first off, you need a place to do the counting: a variable - starting it with a zero value (you can configure that in the variable block config panel) would be a good ide...
by linmix
01 Oct 2010, 07:08
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: Trig functions in NXT-G
Replies: 21
Views: 39314

Re: Trig functions in NXT-G

I think I remember seeing a block over on NXTa-woops. darn. Guess we're going to have to recreate that index of NXT-G blocks. I was in the process of creating a back-up on th Lroboticas wiki. It is very incomplete, but it may be a start:
by linmix
30 Sep 2010, 19:16
Forum: Mindstorms Projects
Topic: NXT Trumpet
Replies: 8
Views: 18618

Re: NXT Trumpet

Thanks for the link to the video - with explanations included.

I've also dug up a video by Damien Kee (around 55 seconds) with a less sophisticated mouthpiece.
by linmix
30 Sep 2010, 16:28
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Lego Robotics StackExchange site
Replies: 37
Views: 154681

Re: Lego Robotics StackExchange site

I committed early this month and hope we get enough people to do the same shortly. This thread should help... For now unfortunately there is little else I can do. Or is there?
by linmix
30 Sep 2010, 10:19
Forum: Open Discussion
Topic: Welcome to Mindboards
Replies: 47
Views: 103577

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

But it may fit in the wiki :roll: