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by glenn073
08 Jan 2012, 18:09
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: IRSeeker connecting to IRBall
Replies: 5
Views: 6207

Re: IRSeeker connecting to IRBall

Yes, it a HiTechnic ball. I bought it 1/2 months ago so I think it's quite a new one. I was working with the IRSeeker V1 but that wasn't working very vell so I bought a IRSeeker V2 at HiTechnic as well. I've also had some contact with Gus from HiTechnic Support. He helped us and actually I've never ...
by glenn073
08 Jan 2012, 13:48
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: IRSeeker connecting to IRBall
Replies: 5
Views: 6207

Re: IRSeeker connecting to IRBall

Okay, thanks. Sorry for not putting my code in a code tag. It's all a bit weird. If there is a else if (dir == 0) { in the program like in yours it seems like the robot ignores the ball most of the time but when there isn't and the robot doesn't see the ball he just continues with his previous order...
by glenn073
07 Jan 2012, 16:01
Forum: Mindstorms Software
Topic: IRSeeker connecting to IRBall
Replies: 5
Views: 6207

IRSeeker connecting to IRBall

Hi, Could someone please tell me why my IRSeeker does not react to my IRBall? It only goes out forward: int powerDiff; int powerLeft; int powerRight; int dir; int se1, se2, se3, se4; int se5, se6, se7, se8, se9; task main() { SetSensorLowspeed(S2); while (true) { if (ReadSensorHTIRSeeker2AC(S2, dir,...