Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

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Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

I have some questions about the Mindsensors Sumo Eyes:
1) is this sensor ambient light insensitive (like modulated light e.g. of the Sharp G2PD12) or -sensitiv ?
2.) the driver uses

Code: Select all

unsigned int SensorNormalized  ( const byte &  port  ) 
what is this sort of command? The documentation is not detailed enough about that.
3) is the sensor able to return values for all obstacles in any zone (left, middle, right) and range (short, distant) or just 1?
e.g. will the detector get all objects (maybe by several readings performed sequentially) by the following :

Code: Select all

left          middle          right
                  5"            5" 
8"            8"
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by mightor »

I can't tell you about the normalised thing, but if you read the user manual, you'll find your answer about the values returned by the sensor, it's on page 2. The sensor uses IR so that gives it a certain level of insensitivity to ambient light. However, if you want to be sure, I would contact mindsensors directly.

- Xander
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

Xander, this link unfortunately leads somewhere to Nirwana (not the band, just the nowhere)
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by philoo »

Weird... The address is correct but sometimes doesn't work, sometimes it does. Maybe some temporary issue at Mindsensors? Try again...
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

again right into the middle of Nowhere.... (from another PC via a different provider)...
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

as I can't find any document about this issue I'd like to repeat my TO question:
doc-helmut wrote:Hi,
I have some questions about the Mindsensors Sumo Eyes:
1) is this sensor ambient light insensitive (like modulated light e.g. of the Sharp G2PD12) or -sensitiv ?
2.) (...moved to a seperate thread...)
3) is the sensor able to return values for all obstacles in any zone (left, middle, right) and range (short, distant) or just 1?
e.g. will the detector get all objects (maybe by several readings performed sequentially) by the following :

Code: Select all

left          middle          right
                  5"            5" 
8"            8"
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by mightor »

C'mon, you can't tell me you don't know how to navigate to the Mindsensors website, pick the Sumo eyes from the product list in the "advanced sensors" section (to the left) and scrolling down on that page to the "related downloads" section?


Most of the info I gave you is there in the place where I told you and the rest you have to ask Mindsensors.


I have no problems helping people but surely navigating a website is not one of those things? You've programmed neural networks and implemented A*, surely browsing a website should be a walk in the park for you? :)

- Xander
| My Blog: I'd Rather Be Building Robots (http://botbench.com)
| RobotC 3rd Party Driver Suite: (http://rdpartyrobotcdr.sourceforge.net)
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| and then two they hav erpoblesms. (@nedbat)
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

I already mailed to Mindsensors and wait for a reply.
Browsing websites is really not my thing, I probably will first have to write an artificial intelligent search algorithm for that :P

Indeed I meanwhile found the following:
Values returned by NXTSumoEyes
· Obstacle detected on left side: 30-36.
· Obstacle detected on right side: 63-69
· Obstacle detected in front: 74-80
But that's unfortunatly not the answer to my question, whether many obstacles on different sides can be detected simulateously or sequentially.
However, it doesn't look quite as if it could be possible, but that might depend on the usage of that strange command SensorNormalized ( const byte & port ) and the quite obscure sensor initialization routine.
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

I got a mail from Mindsensors:

I have some questions about the Mindsensors Sumo Eyes:
1) is this sensor ambient light insensitive (like modulated light e.g. of the Sharp G2PD12) or -sensitiv ?
Mindsesors wrote:It has modulated IR light and for normal use it is insensitive to ambient light.
If the ambient light is very bright with too much of IR in it, the sensor may get saturated.
2.) the driver uses for NXC
unsigned int SensorNormalized ( const byte & port )
what is this sort of command? The documentation is not detailed enough about that.
Mindsesors wrote:It is NXC function to return normalized value from analog sensor.
(NXT supports, raw, normalized or scaled values).
3) is the sensor able to return values for all obstacles in any zone (left, middle, right) and range (short, distant) or just 1?
e.g. will the detector get all objects (maybe by several readings performed sequentially) by the following :

Code: Select all

left          middle          right
                  5"            5" 
8"            8"
Mindsesors wrote:It detects one obstacle.
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Re: Mindsensors Sumo Eyes / internals + NXC driver

Post by HaWe »

Only about this SensorNormalized I'm still curious.
We have
Setsensor, SetSensorType, SetSensorMode, SensorRaw
and this SensorRaw is already rather odd.
But why do we have or need or any use of
and what makes this different from the other ones?
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