Want to start HTML?

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Want to start HTML?

Post by themindstormman »

here is a video i made.

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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by mattallen37 »

Interesting, but both the audio and video are very unclear.

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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by dimasterooo »

mattallen37 wrote:Interesting, but both the audio and video are very unclear.
yeah what software did you use?
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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by themindstormman »

the video is hyper cam 2 and the audio and editing is windows movie maker.
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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by haydenstudios »

themindstormman wrote:the video is hyper cam 2 and the audio and editing is windows movie maker.
Hyper cam and Camstudio are among the worst screen recorders in existence. You'd be better off using a superior program like Screen recorder Gold or Fraps. Ordinarily I would have only given you a link to Fraps cause of it's higher quality image capture and maximum frame rate, but its ability to capture video on the desktop and in windows explorer is limited to windows 7. And not everyone uses Windows 7. From what I could tell, your computer looked like a windows Vista computer. I don't know what kind of micriphone gives that bad of sound quality, but you may wish to either get a better micriphone, or try to preserve the quality of your audio via certain techniques (like refraining from rendering your file so many times, etc.). I'm not going to lie, I couldn't understand a word you were saying. If you can't get sufficiently good quality sound, using text in your video is a very good alternative.
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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by muntoo »

dimasterooo wrote:
muntoo wrote: I'll teach you how to remove it as soon as I wash my hands...
O_o you take three minutes to wash your hands?!
EDIT: 4 minutes??!?!?! :P
And the dishes. And microwaving stuff. And I have to finish writing the tutorial.

In the mean time, install Audacity.


Set up
  • Get Audacity
  • Split your video into a sound file (using whatever program you're using)
  • Open/Import your sound file into Audacity. Having trouble?
    • Make sure it's a WAV or AAC. (There's another extension natively supported for opening, but I can't remember. WMA, maybe?)
    • You can convert files using RealConverter (although, you'll have to clean up after the bloat it installs with it), or the great Open-Source VLC. Or Free SUPER (C). Mind you, RealConverter is the easiest to use, but comes along with bloat-ridden RealPlayer.
    • If it's an MP3, download LAME. Actually, download it anyways.
Actual work
  • Find an area of "silence" in your file, where you're not talking. Select it. You should have a bit of background sound. Make sure the length of your selection is as long as possible.
  • Effects->Noise Removal->Seed button
  • Select All (Ctrl+A)
  • Effects->Noise Removal->OK button
  • Play your file to make sure it's OK
  • File->Export
Last edited by muntoo on 05 Jun 2011, 19:21, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by mightor »

I just spent the last 10 minutes purging the OT posts from this thread. That's an awful waste of my time.

Please stop posting so much OT things. Do not respond to this post with anything unless it is pertinent to the original post. I don't want to start locking threads or worse. If you want to go OT, start your own new thread, it people find it interesting enough, they will read and respond to it.

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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by spillerrec »

Looking at the HTML that is making up your website it is clear that you are still quite new to this which is okay, experience will come in time. However until you have a good grip of it I will suggest you not to teach other about it. Web-browsers accept and show incorrect websites without informing you, even if it contains critical errors.
Again, I suggest you to wait until you know how to write a site which validates as HTML strict.
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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by themindstormman »

I suggest you to wait until you know how to write a site which validates as HTML strict.
Can you tell me what isn't HTML strict? the only issue is when i add any doctype even <!DOCTYPE HTML> it messes up everything on my page.
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Re: Want to start HTML?

Post by spillerrec »

The reason you page messes up is because there are several browser modes: Quirks-, Almost-standards- and Standards-mode. The reason for this was that the browsers started to follow the standards. (This is years back.) The issue however was that nearly all web pages wasn't made after the standards at that time, they where made after "it works in the browser" which meant they often relied on incorrect rendering caused by bugs and other issues.
So the HTML doctype was created. Pages which wanted to be rendered after the standards added the doctype and the browser would enter Standards-mode. Pages which lacked the doctype (i.e. all existing web pages at that time) would be rendered using Quirks-mode. Quirks-mode tries to emulate the bugs to render old web pages the way they where meant to be seen.
The reason it is important to avoid Quirks-mode is exactly that it doesn't follow the standards. When there are no standards, every browser does it in their own way and it therefore most likely will be rendered differently in different browsers.

In short, you page messes up because it relies on incorrect rendering. In all the browsers I have installed on this computer, your website renders differently. (That is, IE9, Opera 11.11, FireFox 4 and Safari ??. It actually looks broken in all of them except Safari because of some errors in your HTML...)
You should redo your website from scratch using a proper doctype.

For doctypes, you should simply use the HTML5 one, <!DOCTYPE html>, which is a strict doctype btw. (You should not try to use XHTML as it is a lot more trouble than people imagine and it will not work in IE8 and below...)
The difference between a Strict doctype and a Transitional is that Strict limits you in what elements and attributes you are allowed to use. Stuff like FONT and BGCOLOR are not allowed. (The browser doesn't care though and will still apply it. It is not an excuse for using them though.)
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