Need help with PCF8574

Discussion specific to the intelligent brick, sensors, motors, and more.
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Joined: 16 May 2011, 10:19

Re: Need help with PCF8574

Post by brandts »

> philoo
That's not a stupid question because I think more people make this mistake.
In the attachment I numbered the pins how I think they should be.

> h-g-t
As mentioned above I tried both address but they both don't work. After that I did connect the chip to a motor port to see if any of the led wen't on or off but that didn't make a different. It might be possible that I damaged the chip by doing that.

> mattallen37
Thanks for your code. I'm going to try it tonight. If this won't work I think I'm going to start all over again with a new chip :(
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Re: Need help with PCF8574

Post by mattallen37 »

Also, you should check to be sure you used the proper pullups. Lego uses 82k, but I have successfully used down to 10k, and up to 470k.

I'm all for gun control... that's why I use both hands when shooting ;)
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