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Bluetooth connectivity on Windows 7 32

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 01:46
by legovictoria
Hello all, I just got my son a Mindstorms 2.0 kit and we're having some trouble getting bluetooth connected in the Mindstorms programming interface. Using the standard windows Devices and Printers, I can connect to the NXT no problem, but when I try this in the Mindstorms software, it "sees" the NXT, but the passkey prompt never displays on the NXT.
I've tried some suggestions I found elsewhere, such as running Mindstorms in compatibility mode and running as administrator, but nothing has helped with this.
Oh, I should mention we're using our laptop's built-in bluetooth radio.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Bluetooth connectivity on Windows 7 32

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 02:58
by timpattinson
The Mindstorms software does not use the OS bluetooth functions like pairing as such.
It uses the "Fantom" drivers made by NI, who helped make the NXT
Download another copy of them here: ... spx#Driver
Click on Drivers > Fantom > Download > PC

Re: Bluetooth connectivity on Windows 7 32

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 13:08
by hassenplug
I have an HP laptop with bluetooth built in. It works much better with the lego bluetooth dongle.

Sad but true.


Re: Bluetooth connectivity on Windows 7 32

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 14:11
by afanofosc
The Fantom drivers do not work well with bluetooth software other than the Microsoft stack and the Widcomm stack. Others such as Toshiba or Bluesoliel are likely to fail. If is often possible to remove the drivers that came with your PC that don't work well and replace them with the Microsoft stack. That might be an option, depending on the hardware that your laptop comes with. As an alternative, you can buy small and cheap bluetooth dongles for around $2 on the web that work well with the Fantom drivers from NI/LEGO.

John Hansen

Re: Bluetooth connectivity on Windows 7 32

Posted: 06 Jul 2011, 23:02
by timpattinson
hassenplug wrote:I have an HP laptop with bluetooth built in. It works much better with the lego bluetooth dongle.
Which model?
My HP laptop works fine with the inbuilt BT ;)

Re: Bluetooth connectivity on Windows 7 32

Posted: 07 Jul 2011, 03:49
by legovictoria
Thanks so much for all your helpful replies!!! My laptop has a broadcomm BT adapter and I've installed the Widcomm software from Broadcomm, but no joy. I'll see if I can get the Fantom driver installed, otherwise it's dongle time.