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[NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 02:19
by muntoo
Is there a repository for the NBC/NXC Firmware? Where can I find it?

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 03:29
by h-g-t
All the details are in the 'Quick Guide' thread near the top of this section.

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 03:50
by muntoo
h-g-t wrote:All the details are in the 'Quick Guide' thread near the top of this section.
Err... I couldn't find it. I'm asking for the latest firmware source code.

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 04:03
by tcwan
muntoo wrote:
h-g-t wrote:All the details are in the 'Quick Guide' thread near the top of this section.
Err... I couldn't find it. I'm asking for the latest firmware source code.
AFAIK, John Hansen hasn't made it available. I'd be interested too, since it'd be nice to integrate ARMDEBUG with the latest enhanced firmware instead
of an old version.

There was talk between John Hansen and Nicolas Schodet about merging the enhancements into NXT Improved Firmware, I'm not sure what is the status of that though.

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 07:44
by timpattinson
It's in the SVN repositry for the mindboards project on SF

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 16:09
by afanofosc

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 17:29
by nxtboyiii
That would be nice if someone could edit the firmware and delete the try-me, startup screen, nxt program, and data logging.

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 17:45
by mattallen37
nxtboyiii wrote:That would be nice if someone could edit the firmware and delete the try-me, startup screen, nxt program, and data logging.
I agree, those seem useless to me as well.

John, have you ever considered supporting two FWs? One would be like it is now, with full backwards compatibility. The other would do away with all the junk we don't need. It wouldn't need to be backwards compatible with NXT-G and the old FW. I do realize however, that it would probably take way too much of your time to do this, and it might not be that much better anyhow.

Re: [NBC][NXC][Firmware] Where is the latest source code?

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 18:07
by nxtboyiii
That would be very good! I'm sure many people would love it! It would be nice(No pressure ;) ).