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Best Internet Browser

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 23:24
by bungeshea
This poll is not really for anything, I just thought it would be fun.

If the browser that you think is best is not on the list, choose 'Other' and post to this topic and I will add it.

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 23:39
by muntoo
Haha, Chrome has 100% of the votes. I guess we win. :)

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 23:48
by kirkpthompson
Lynx :-p


Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 16 Jun 2011, 23:56
by bungeshea
kirkpthompson wrote:Lynx :-p
Is Linux an Internet browser or an OS?

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 00:16
by haydenstudios
studbrickmaster wrote:Is Linux an Internet browser or an OS?
Linux is an operating system. But as for Lynx,
Wikipedia wrote:Lynx is a text-based web browser for use on cursor-addressable character cell terminals and is very configurable."

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 00:34
by muntoo
Lynx is for visually/hearing-impaired people, or those with extremely slow internet connections.

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 02:44
by bungeshea
Oops... When I added Lynx the poll reset. :x Please cast your votes again.

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 03:56
by nxtreme
I voted for Firefox. While I only use Chrome right now (and actually don't even have FF installed on my new computer...) because of it's simplicity, I still think FF is a better browser even if it was a bit more of a memory hog than Chrome. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

For lighter weight operating systems on older computers (i.e. Puppy Linux, D*mn Small Linux) I use Chromium even though FF sometimes comes as default. Firefox has more plugins that I would use, and it has more (on the surface anyhow) user-changeable settings than Chrome. Anyways, for anyone with a decent computer, I would recommend Firefox.

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 05:00
by muntoo
Chrome in the lead, with Firefox close behind. The other browsers haven't even left the starting line! Vroooommmmm... Phew Phew! Cough! Ack! Vrooo--- CrWHOOM! SWOOSHH---TCHZSHSHHHHHH...

I like MF/FF*, but it doesn't have the speed and stability of Chrome. (Chrome 9-11 kept crashing on me**, possibly because of some of my extensions, but Chrome 12 seems to have fixed the issue. And using -process-per-tab doesn't hurt either. :))

*AKA Double-F ;)
**No pun intended.

Re: Best Internet Browser

Posted: 17 Jun 2011, 07:09
by timpattinson
  1. FF4
  2. Chrome (v. infinity)
  3. IE9
  4. Opera
  5. IE<9
  • IE6