Do you think you could make a "No swearing" rule?
Also can we please have animated avatars but with a certain number of frames that cannot be exceeded?
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III
Re: Change rules
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 20:07
by mattallen37
I'm no admin here, but here's my two cents worth.
I like the idea of "no swearing", but it really doesn't seem to be a big issue here.
I like little flashing pictures as well, but it gets to be too much of a distraction to have animated avatars. I'd vote no to this, despite the occasional enjoyment I might get.
That's what I think, but I guess Xander or another admin will need to make the final decision (I think it's already been made )
Re: Change rules
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 20:10
by h-g-t
My only qualification is as a fully certified (and probably certifiable) nit-picker.
So I must ask, do you object to swearing or the use of scatological and other terms related to bodily functions?
As to animated avatars, they rank along with high heels and always-on front fog lights as 'LOOK AT ME' items. Is that the image you wish to convey? Or do you have fog lights on your high heels.......
Re: Change rules
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 22:26
by nxtboyiii
I object to both of those things you said. Maybe not animated avatars, but i don't know. Hopefully we'll get an admin to talk about this.
Re: Change rules
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 23:42
by h-g-t
Oh dear, catastrophic sohf!
Re: Change rules
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 04:10
by nxtreme
I don't think swearing is a big problem. I've seen a couple posts with words that were offensive to me, but I used the report button and asked the admins to take care of it, and they usually did within 24 hours. I really don't like animated avatars either, but I do use an ad blocker, so it's not a big deal. All I have to do is add the image to the list of things to block and Bingo! problem solved. I used it a lot on NXTasy.
Re: Change rules
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 05:00
by muntoo
Removing avatars
If you don't use Internet Explorer, you've got your work cut out for ya.
No animated avatars, period. That's been a rule since day 0 and I'm not likely to change my mind on that one. All 4 of the founders of this board have a hatred for animated avatars that burns with the heat of a thousand suns.
If you do see swearing happening on these forums, report the post. If it's bad enough I will deal with the offender. Words like "bloody" and "darned" don't count.
- Xander
Re: Change rules
Posted: 02 Jun 2011, 07:00
by muntoo
mightor wrote:Words like "bloody" and "darned" don't count.
What about heck, hell, darn, retarded, bull[*] or any combination of those?