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Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 02:26
by novicesmml
Does anyone know how to make a sound sensor? (what do i need? a mic and thats it? how to wire it?) i don't want to buy one.
Is it hard? (if its hard then ill forget it cuz the only sensor iv made is a switch/touch sensor)
Thanks in advance,
Hope you can help.

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 02:38
by mattallen37
Can you be more specific? A "Sound" sensor isn't specific at all. Do you mean one like the Lego sound sensor? You should be able to get the schematic from the hardware developer kit. However, the sound sensor IMO is very pointless. Some people use the sound sensor case for custom sensors, since it is basically useless as a sensor. If you really do want a sound sensor like the Lego one, you should consider getting one from eBay. I have passed them up at $8 including shipping.

Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 02:48
by novicesmml
I dont know why i want it, but yes a lego sound sensor, the reason why i dont want to buy it and want to make it is because it will take forever to get to me.
Thanks for the quick response.

What do you mean by " You should be able to get the schematic from the hardware developer kit."?

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 02:50
by mattallen37
Well, you could make one, but I wouldn't. The schematic is in the hardware developer kit.

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 02:53
by mattallen37

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 03:01
by novicesmml
went there downloaded it looked at sound sensor couldnt understand a word. :roll:

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 03:06
by mattallen37
It is a Schematic, not a text file. The parts have labels, but those are just for reference. Make sure you downloaded the hardware dev kit, not the bluetooth one (BT is displayed by default). The hardware dev kit includes the schematic for (I think) all the Lego NXT sensors (other than the color sensor), as well as the schematic for the NXT itself. I don't remember it having any written documentation, but I am sure it does.

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 03:13
by novicesmml
I downloaded the hardware dev kit and opened the sound sensor schematic did not get it to me (some1 who doesn't know anything) it looks like a bunch of triangles and lines with a couple of words. I need instructions cuz i don't know anything ( put this here wire this here....) if its too hard then ill abandon the whole idea.

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 03:25
by mattallen37
To someone who doesn't know how to read a schematic, I guess that is essentially what a schematic should look like; lines, triangles, and a bunch of other weird shapes. If you are looking for a step by step guide to building an identical twin to the Lego sound sensor, on a breadboard, sorry. It takes a lot more than just the parts. If you are interested in learning how to do it, I suggest you get familiar with schematics, and electronics. Even if you did have all the knowledge to build it, you would have to get all the parts and assemble them. If that is all you used the parts for, the cost of that alone would likely be higher than the official sensor itself.

Here is the PDF schematic of the Lego sound sensor, to make sure you are looking at the right thing.

Re: Homebrew Sound Sensor

Posted: 24 Mar 2011, 03:32
by novicesmml
So in conclusion its not for me. I don't know how to read it but i would like to get familiar with electronics and schematics, might be too young for it.
I had the right pdf.
You said you can buy on ebay for 8$ with shipping (the lego one??).