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Adding a vga output to a NXT

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 15:21
by h-g-t
Came across this project which adds a video outlet to a NXT. Has anyone tried this or heard of similar projects?

Does it have any practical applications? I could use a small back-lit lcd screen to display messages because the NXT screen can be hard to read. I have seen interfaces for micro (pic, etc) projects - anyone seen these used with a brick?

Re: Adding a vga output to a NXT

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 16:51
by gloomyandy
do you have a link to the project?


Re: Adding a vga output to a NXT

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 20:04
by h-g-t
My apologies - thought I had included it. True what they say about brain fade and old age ....

Re: Adding a vga output to a NXT

Posted: 21 Feb 2011, 20:26
by mightor
That's funny. Before you posted the link to the actual project I thought "A Parallax Propeller should be able to do this." I used to work with those a LOT before I started with the NXT. I still have a whole bunch of unused Proto Boards ( ) and VGA kits ( ) for them. I also have still have one of these, as well:

Great chip, very powerful and easy to use.

- Xander