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Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 02:14
by stryker001
First things first: I am not trolling.
That aside, I ask: Does anyone know of a good way to quickly send custom BT messages (that would store data or text) to the NXT from their computer?
An explanation: I am not asking if there are programs to communicate from the NXT to the computer and vice versa. I am asking if anyone has found any in particular that seem to work (preferably well, of course). I am wanting to (surprise, surprise) end up doing something like WiiMote-->Computer-->NXT as well as NXT-->Computer-->WiiMote. If there happens to be a magical application that does this for me, then sweet. But I've looked a bit and didn't find anything like that.
So does anyone know of a good way to do this? I don't want to do it the way
this guy does it, with a bunch of crazy scripts and whatnots running at the same time. I would think that it could be done with two applications, one to handle Computer<-->NXT and one two handle Computer<-->WiiMote. Anyone out there know what I mean?
P.S. If it changes anything I'm using a WiiMote with the MotionPlus built in....
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 02:20
by stryker001
Oops, I forgot to mention: I'm using NXC.
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 21:59
by schodet
You can do this using
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 22:49
by stryker001
Are you saying that it can be done or that it works well for you? Big difference.
Also, I don't speak Python, Just C-based stuff, but I'm willing to learn.
Thanks, though, I'll definitely look into this and keep looking for something else... I still need WiiMote stuff too.

Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 23:39
by schodet
stryker001 wrote:Are you saying that it can be done or that it works well for you? Big difference.
Also, I don't speak Python, Just C-based stuff, but I'm willing to learn.
Thanks, though, I'll definitely look into this and keep looking for something else... I still need WiiMote stuff too.

I do this for USB, but it is supposed to work for BT the same way. NXT-Python will search for a brick using BT if it does not find a brick using USB. I documented USB messaging using NXT-Python
Also I know many people use python to access WiiMote (I can ask one of my friend if you like).
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 17 Feb 2011, 03:40
by stryker001
Sweet! that would be great.
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 18 Feb 2011, 23:17
by stryker001
DISCLAIMER: Call me a dummy, because I've never done anything with Python before.
But "this guy" ( is using like four, maybe five different things to do all this. How hard would it be to put everything into one program, compile it, and then have a ".exe" that you run, it find your Wii Remote, connects, finds your NXT, connects, and then starts feeding data back and forth? I mean, is it really
that hard to do something like that?
Like, for example, have the program do two groups of things simultaneously:
1) read the Wii Remote's buttonpress states, camera tracking values, accelerometer values, etc.; send them to the NXT.
2) read the values/commands the NXT is returning; send them to the Wii Remote.
With a setup like that you could use the speaker/LEDs/vibrators in the Wii Remote for audio/visual/haptic feedback (as well as the usual Wii Remote uses).
Am I just asking waaaaaaaaay to much and just need to figure out how to do it myself?
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 00:12
by schodet
It should not be hard to do it using a single python script. I do not know however for the .exe thing.
I will ask my friend about WiiMote when I see him tomorrow.
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 13:58
by novicesmml
Go over here I dont know if this is what you are looking for but I did it and it worked fine
(it uses glovepie and NXT remote).
Hope you find it useful.
Re: Sending BT Messages to the NXT (from a PC)
Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 14:25
by stryker001
While that's pretty sweet, I'm looking for a way to send raw data, not commands. I.E., allow the NXT to process the commands, rather than the computer.