Do you get the -9 error in all of the crashes you are experiencing?
ERR_INSANE_OFFSET -9 // 0xF7 CurrOffset != (DataSize - VarsCmd.CodespaceCount * 2)
That would indicate a low level compiler error of some kind. I must not be generating a valid RXE in this situation. What version/timestamp do you have on your compiler? Perhaps I have fixed a problem since your build? (I can always hope). If you are running with something other than the latest 1.2.1.r4 test release for Windows then there is a small hope that it is a bug that I have fixed. There definitely are bugs with structures in multi-dimensional arrays that I have seen in the past but I was thinking that basic structs (ones with no arrays in them) were possibly all better now.
Here's some code with comments in it that I have in my "tests\lingering" folder (as in lingering problems):
Code: Select all
// working as of 2009-01-29 JCH (with exceptions as noted below)
struct foobar {
int a;
int b;
struct location {
int x;
int y;
string foo; // nested strings cause file error! if stored in 2-d array
foobar test; // nested structs cause file error! if stored in 2-d array
int buf[]; // nested arrays cause file error! if stored in 2-d array
task main() {
// initializing a 2-d+ array of structs causes File Error! abort
// if the struct contains nested arrays or structs
location array2[5][2];
location array[5];
location tmp;
// ArrayInit(array, tmp, 2);
// ArrayInit(array2, tmparray, 5);
foobar flakey;
int values[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
flakey.a = 12;
flakey.b = 14;
// scalar members
array2[0][1].x = 2; // valid code
array2[0][1].x++; // valid code
array2[0][1].x += 14; // valid code
// string members
array2[0][1].foo = "test"; // valid code
array2[0][1].foo += "_123"; // valid code
// nested structs
array2[0][1].test.a = 2; // valid code
array2[0][1].test += 2; // valid code
array2[0][1].test = flakey; // valid code
// array members
array2[0][1].buf = values; // valid code
array2[0][1].buf[0] = 123; // valid code
tmp = array2[0][1];
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE1, tmp.buf[0]); // 123 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE2, tmp.test.a); // 12 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE3, tmp.x); // 17 (OKAY)
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4,; // test_123 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE5, array2[0][1].buf[0]); // 123 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE6, array2[0][1].test.a); // 12 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE7, array2[0][1].x); // 17 (OKAY)
// TextOut(0, LCD_LINE8, array[0].foo); // test_123 (OKAY)
array2[0][1].test += 30; // valid code
NumOut(50, LCD_LINE6, array2[0][1].test.a); // 42 (OKAY)
array2[0][1].test.a += array2[0][1].test.b * array2[0][1].test.b; // valid code
NumOut(50, LCD_LINE7, array2[0][1].test.a); // 1978 (OKAY)
array2[0][1].foo += "testing"; // valid code
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE8, array2[0][1].foo); // test_123testing (OKAY)
// scalar members
array[0].x = 2; // valid code
array[0].x++; // valid code
array[0].x += 14; // valid code
// string members
array[0].foo = "test"; // valid code
array[0].foo += "_123"; // valid code
// nested structs
array[0].test.a = 2; // valid code
array[0].test.b = 2; // valid code
array[0].test += 2; // valid code
array[0].test = flakey; // valid code
// array members
array[0].buf = values; // valid code
array[0].buf[0] = 123; // valid code
tmp = array[0];
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE1, tmp.buf[0]); // 123 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE2, tmp.test.a); // 12 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE3, tmp.x); // 17 (OKAY)
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE4,; // test_123 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE5, array[0].buf[0]); // 123 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE6, array[0].test.a); // 12 (OKAY)
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE7, array[0].x); // 17 (OKAY)
// TextOut(0, LCD_LINE8, array[0].foo); // test_123 (OKAY)
array[0].test += 30; // valid code
NumOut(50, LCD_LINE6, array[0].test.a); // 42 (OKAY)
array[0].test.a += array[0].test.b * array[0].test.b; // valid code
NumOut(50, LCD_LINE7, array[0].test.a); // 1978 (OKAY)
array[0].foo += "testing"; // valid code
TextOut(0, LCD_LINE8, array[0].foo); // test_123testing (OKAY)
array[0].y = array[0].x;
tmp = array[0];
tmp.x = 2;
array[0] = tmp;
NumOut(0, LCD_LINE1, array[0].x);
Can you try a few tests with a simple 4 byte struct (i.e., one long field in it) or 1 byte or 2 byte structs. Or multiples of 4 bytes? I will run some myself tonight.
John Hansen