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Color Sensor in FLL? When?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 00:12
by ronmcrae
So for the 2010/2011 FLL Body Forward challenge the color sensor remains outlawed in favor of the light sensor. Would it really bring much advantage? Or are there other reasons FIRST chose to limit teams to the light sensor?

Re: Color Sensor in FLL? When?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 00:49
by bazmati
I was going to say, perhaps it's because the Color Sensor is not yet available separately, it would limit it's use to those schools (or clubs) that have a retail NXT 2.0 kit.
But a quick search show that this is not true as it is available now via LEGO Education!
LEGO Education 9694 – New Color Sensor
But wait!! I can't seem to find it on the website beside the announcement.. maybe my assumption is correct then, as to why it's not yet allowed in FLL this time around.

Re: Color Sensor in FLL? When?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 07:44
by physics-matt
Interestingly, do appear to be selling the LEGO colour sensor.

My guess is that it won't be allowed in FLL until it's been widely available worldwide long enough for schools to have had a good opportunity to buy one. It would certainly have given a significant advantage last year, though I can't comment on this year's challenge as I haven't seen it yet.


Re: Color Sensor in FLL? When?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 12:47
by hassenplug
physics-matt wrote:It would certainly have given a significant advantage last year, though I can't comment on this year's challenge as I haven't seen it yet.
How would it have given an advantage last year?

I would suggest that it's not allowed because people THINK it would be an advantage. Realistically, I don't think it is.


Re: Color Sensor in FLL? When?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 18:16
by physics-matt
Fair point: "certainly" was probably a bit strong.

I know that the light sensor can do a lot of colour discrimination, but I suspect it suffers much more from problems with varying light levels (we had big problems during one of the competitions last year with big windows that couldn't be blocked - although it was really interesting to see how all the teams attempted to cope with it on the day!)

I wouldn't disagree with the view that the people who set the rules for the FLL are often too cautious with this sort of thing.


Re: Color Sensor in FLL? When?

Posted: 01 Oct 2010, 04:05
by ronmcrae
So for the 2010/2011 FLL Body Forward challenge the color sensor remains outlawed in favor of the light sensor
Not any longer. Seems that testing has shown the color sensor to be about equal in capability as the light sensor so Scott has issued a game ruling that allows the color sensor for Body Forward.
