I have been off this board for a long time now. Since I got back from a deployment in 2012, I have been distracted by other projects. For example:
1985 Electric Mustang
The car is going to hit the road with a Warp9 Series Wound DC motor driving the car. These motors are great torque/cost, but have lower continuous power ratings (heat build-up/heat dissipation ratio is bad), and no regenerative braking. In the future I am thinking of literally stacking a similar sized, three phase AC induction motor on to the end of the DC motor. This will give me broader average torque and power:
The first build will drive the Warp9 motor at 1000 Amps, the second build will split the power between the Warp9's controller and the AC controller. The graphs represent a 50/50 split of amperage and is not optimized. Each motor controller uses a similar 0-5v reference signal for throttle, with some adjustable parameters (min, max, slew rate)
Here is where I need help: How hard would it be to build a throttle adapter that could receive one input from a single throttle position sensor, and provide two 0-5v outputs with adjustable curves. Essentially I want to use the DC motor more while accelerating and less while cruising.The AC motor will provide enough power for steady speed driving. The DC motor power will depend on throttle demand and current loading/RPM (a lot like a turbocharger). It would need to be reprogrammable. I envision it will be based on a table(s) with parameters like:
Throttle position 0-100%
RPM 0-6000RPM
Torque demanded
Torque provided
What are your thoughts?