who already owns a Intel Galileo Board ?
Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 11:16
not already quite Mindstorms yet .... not yet....
any member in this forum who already owns a Intel Galileo Board ?
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Intel-Ga ... 94699.html
http://www.cooking-hacks.com/documentat ... les-boards
if anyone is around:
As the Galileo is Arduino-software compatible:
could you please test this following Arduino Sketch benchmark code on the Galileo and please report the results?
No code changes should be necessary!
not already quite Mindstorms yet .... not yet....
any member in this forum who already owns a Intel Galileo Board ?
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Intel-Ga ... 94699.html
http://www.cooking-hacks.com/documentat ... les-boards
if anyone is around:
As the Galileo is Arduino-software compatible:
could you please test this following Arduino Sketch benchmark code on the Galileo and please report the results?
No code changes should be necessary!
Code: Select all
// hw brickbench
// benchmark test for NXT/EV3 and similar Micro Controllers
// PL: Sketch 1.5.6-r2
// platform: Arduino (u.a. Mega 2560, Due)
// Autor: (C) Helmut Wunder 2013, 2014
// freie Verwendung für private Zwecke
// für kommerzielle Zwecke nur nach Genehmigung durch den Autor.
// protected under the friendly Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
// http: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ //
// version 1.08.0004
#define TimerMS() millis()
unsigned long runtime[8];
int a[500], b[500], c[500], t[500];
// Mersenne Twister
unsigned long randM(void) {
const int M = 7;
const unsigned long A[2] = { 0, 0x8ebfd028 };
static unsigned long y[25];
static int index = 25+1;
if (index >= 25) {
int k;
if (index > 25) {
unsigned long r = 9, s = 3402;
for (k=0 ; k<25 ; ++k) {
r = 509845221 * r + 3;
s *= s + 1;
y[k] = s + (r >> 10);
for (k=0 ; k<25-M ; ++k)
y[k] = y[k+M] ^ (y[k] >> 1) ^ A[y[k] & 1];
for (; k<25 ; ++k)
y[k] = y[k+(M-25)] ^ (y[k] >> 1) ^ A[y[k] & 1];
index = 0;
unsigned long e = y[index++];
e ^= (e << 7) & 0x2b5b2500;
e ^= (e << 15) & 0xdb8b0000;
e ^= (e >> 16);
return e;
// Matrix Algebra
// matrix * matrix multiplication (matrix product)
void MatrixMatrixMult(int N, int M, int K, float *A, float *B, float *C) {
int i, j, s;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
C[i*K+j] = 0;
for (s = 0; s < M; ++s) {
C[i*K+j] = C[i*K+j] + A[i*N+s] * B[s*M+j];
// matrix determinant
float MatrixDet(int N, float A[]) {
int i, j, i_count, j_count, count = 0;
float Asub[N - 1][N - 1], det = 0;
if (N == 1)
return *A;
if (N == 2)
return ((*A) * (*(A+1+1*N)) - (*(A+1*N)) * (*(A+1)));
for (count = 0; count < N; count++) {
i_count = 0;
for (i = 1; i < N; i++) {
j_count = 0;
for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
if (j == count)
Asub[i_count][j_count] = *(A+i+j*N);
det += pow(-1, count) * A[0+count*N] * MatrixDet(N - 1, &Asub[0][0]);
return det;
// shell sort
void shellsort(int size, int* A)
int i, j, increment;
int temp;
increment = size / 2;
while (increment > 0) {
for (i = increment; i < size; i++) {
j = i;
temp = A[i];
while ((j >= increment) && (A[j-increment] > temp)) {
A[j] = A[j - increment];
j = j - increment;
A[j] = temp;
if (increment == 2)
increment = 1;
increment = (unsigned int) (increment / 2.2);
// gnu quick sort
// (0ptional)
int compare_int (const int *a, const int *b)
int temp = *a - *b;
if (temp > 0) return 1;
else if (temp < 0) return -1;
else return 0;
// gnu qsort:
// void qsort (void *a , size_a count, size_a size, compare_function)
// gnu qsort call for a[500] array of int:
// qsort (a , 500, sizeof(a), compare_int)
// benchmark test procedures
int test_Int_Add() {
int i=1, j=11, k=112, l=1111, m=11111, n=-1, o=-11, p=-111, q=-1112, r=-11111;
int x;
volatile long s=0;
for(x=0;x<10000;++x) {
s+=i; s+=j; s+=k; s+=l; s+=m; s+=n; s+=o; s+=p; s+=q; s+=r;
return s;
long test_Int_Mult() {
int x,y;
volatile long s;
for(y=0;y<2000;++y) {
for(x=1;x<=13;++x) { s*=x;}
for(x=13;x>0;--x) { s/=x;}
return s;
#define PI M_PI
float test_float_math() {
volatile float s=PI;
int y;
for(y=0;y<5000;++y) {
return s;
long test_rand_MT(){
volatile unsigned long s;
int y;
for(y=0;y<5000;++y) {
return s;
float test_matrix_math() {
int x;
float A[2][2], B[2][2], C[2][2];
float S[3][3], T[3][3];
unsigned long s;
for(x=0;x<250;++x) {
A[0][0]=1; A[0][1]=3;
A[1][0]=2; A[1][1]=4;
B[0][0]=10; B[0][1]=30;
B[1][0]=20; B[1][1]=40;
MatrixMatrixMult(2, 2, 2, A[0], B[0], C[0]); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
A[0][0]=1; A[0][1]=3;
A[1][0]=2; A[1][1]=4;
MatrixDet(2, A[0]); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
S[0][0]=1; S[0][1]=4; S[0][2]=7;
S[1][0]=2; S[1][1]=5; S[1][2]=8;
S[2][0]=3; S[2][1]=6; S[2][2]=9;
MatrixDet(3, S[0]); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
return s;
// for array copy using void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n);
long test_Sort(){
unsigned long s;
int y, i;
int t[500];
for(y=0;y<30;++y) {
memcpy(t, a, sizeof(a));
shellsort(500, t);
memcpy(t, a, sizeof(b));
shellsort(500, t);
memcpy(t, a, sizeof(c));
shellsort(500, t);
return y;
inline void displayValues() {
char buf[120];
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d int_Add", 0, runtime[0]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d int_Mult", 1, runtime[1]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d float_op", 2, runtime[2]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d randomize", 3, runtime[3]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d matrx_algb", 4, runtime[4]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d arr_sort", 5, runtime[5]); Serial.println( buf);
int test(){
unsigned long time0, x, y;
float s;
char buf[120];
int i;
for(y=0;y<500;++y) {
a[y]=randM()%30000; b[y]=randM()%30000; c[y]=randM()%30000;
// LcdClearDisplay();
time0= TimerMS();;
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d int_Add", 0, runtime[0]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d int_Mult", 1, runtime[1]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d float_op", 2, runtime[2]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d randomize", 3, runtime[3]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d matrx_algb", 4, runtime[4]); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "%3d %4d arr_sort", 5, runtime[5]); Serial.println( buf);
// lcd display text / graphs not performed!
y = 0;
for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) {
y += runtime[x];
sprintf (buf, "gesamt ms: %u ", y); Serial.println( buf);
sprintf (buf, "benchmark: %u ", 50000000/y ); Serial.println( buf);
return 1;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
char buf[120];
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
sprintf (buf, "Ende HaWe brickbench"); Serial.println( buf);