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Batteries and Battery packs

Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 18:47
by philoo
All you ever wanted to know about batteries and battery boxes to power your Technic or MINDSTORMS creations - discharge curves, capacity, voltage under load, current limitations...!
The results of an extensive test campaign are summarized here.

Here's the kind of data you'll find:


Re: Batteries and Battery packs

Posted: 11 Aug 2013, 22:48
by aswin0
Thanks! Very informative.

Have you, or anyone else, experience with the new NiZn batteries?

Re: Batteries and Battery packs

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 15:04
by gloomyandy
Hi Aswin,
I've used them a few times the 1.6V output can be handy at times. However note that this is a nominal value and I've seen freshly charged cells giving considerably more than that. I've never been brave enough to install 6 of them in an NXT!


Re: Batteries and Battery packs

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 15:20
by h-g-t
Not an expert so not sure if I am looking at this from the correct perspective.

You seem to be comparing one AA cell to the battery pack, but in fact there are 6 cells in the NXT.

Would a normal load of NiMH's not last longer than the LEGO battery?

Re: Batteries and Battery packs

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 15:34
by HaWe
as all curves start at >7 V, I suppose it's meant for a 6 cells set then.
For 1 single cell, the related curves were supposed to start somewhere at 1.2 V - 1.5 V.

Re: Batteries and Battery packs

Posted: 12 Aug 2013, 20:01
by h-g-t
OOPS! Missed that, thanks for pointing it out.