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NXT/NXC Bricxcc Compile error for any code.

Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 20:22
by aborior
I'm having a compile/download error message for any code I attempt to run on my NXT. I've run code on the computers at school that works but for some reason it won't compile on my home computer. I have downloaded the latest driver and tried re-installing it, tried re-installing the bricxcc(both the latest version and the test version from, tried different computers, tried different NXT bricks. I can communicate with the brick and control it through joystick usb but nothing will compile/download even though it works on the school computers. Here are some screenshots: . If the compiler is set to a different default language other than NXC where would I change it?

Re: NXT/NXC Bricxcc Compile error for any code.

Posted: 28 Apr 2013, 12:55
by HaWe
Do you just compile (F5) or compile+download+run (ctrl+F5) or just download (F6) ?
maybe you have stored too many program files on your NXT flash? Did you already erase them all?

Re: NXT/NXC Bricxcc Compile error for any code.

Posted: 26 Jan 2014, 14:43
by yuvalnv
I had the same problem. NXT, Bricx, Windows 7 64

Solved it by doing the following:
1. Open Preferences
2. Select Compiler tab
3. Select NBC/NXC sub tab
4. Uncheck the 'Use Internal Compiler' check box option
5. Click OK to close dialog

Compile or Compile/Download => Works fine