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nOOb SW question

Posted: 18 Dec 2012, 16:46
by circuitmage
So, I've been using RCX for about 9 months, and migrated to Robolab 2.9....awesome.

Now I just got an NXT kit, and the SW window is killing me. This thing is small and I don't see a way to scale it like the original RCX SW. I can move the workspace around but that's about it. I like the simple to use graphical style of programming but I feel like I'm in a small box (compared to using a program editor and zipping though code).

Did I miss something or is that all there is to adjust your window? Robolab seems to be a little easier to use since the icons are smaller.


Re: nOOb SW question

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 17:36
by haydenstudios
So you're using NXT-G? If you still don't have a lot of room even if you're in full screen, try clicking on the "x" at the top right corner of the Portal/Robo Center:
That should then close out of the area, and give you more room to work with blocks in the work space.
Sorry if you already did this and still want more room, but I think that's the only thing I can suggest.

Re: nOOb SW question

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 18:34
by circuitmage
Yeah, I noticed i could do that. Was hoping for another option....gets crowded quick

Re: nOOb SW question

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 18:40
by h-g-t
Have a look at this.

Re: nOOb SW question

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 19:25
by circuitmage
I was expecting i may need to move to another language after looking at the handy SW comparison page. Will keep it in mind. For now i will see what i can cope with before deciding to move on. I do like the simplicity but not the small workspace. Maybe something for 3.0 eh?