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Autonomous tin can-collecting robot

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 18:05
by ak2012
Hello everybody,

we have to do a NXT project for a course in our university.
Our task is to build a autonomous robot, which collects coloured tin cans (size of a beer can) and brings them to variable definable areas within a field of 2x2 meters.
We have almost no specifications (which programming languagea and so on) so we're a bit precarious and don't want to start too soon with a bad concept which might giva as a hard time in the end.

So far we think that the best solution would ne to do the project with NXC (using BricxCC). Our professor wants us to programm a GUI in which you can define the areas where the robot should bring the cans and where might get some live-infos during the run (like how many cans already have been collected from which colour and so on).

The next problem is that navigation on the 4sqm area. Our prof wants us to use a IR-sensor which we have to built first (he said something about brazing some parts on a sharp IR sensor).

How would you approach this project? We are really thankfull for any input or references to other projects, tutorials, ...

Thank you guys a lot in advance!
Greetings from Germany!

Re: Autonomous tin can-collecting robot

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 03:31
by mcsummation
Welcome to the site. There are some really good people here who will probably offer help.
ak2012 wrote:Our professor wants us to programm a GUI in which you can define the areas where the robot should bring the cans and where might get some live-infos during the run (like how many cans already have been collected from which colour and so on).
Is the GUI supposed to run on a PC or on the NXT?

Re: Autonomous tin can-collecting robot

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 18:12
by ak2012
Preferably on a computer. If not, we should at least present some information on the NXT screen. Like current position or some information about the collection progress.

// In general that's a big question. If we do all the computing on a computer and control the NXT via bluetooth or if we run a programm directly on the NXT.
Our problem is that we have no real programming experience and can't predict which will be more efficient and might be the better solution for us.

Re: Autonomous tin can-collecting robot

Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 06:48
by sparramc