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Posted: 29 May 2012, 03:44
by cpapple123
I need to vent and maybe someone can lead me to a solution. It would be nice if I could attach the documentation to a block. This way if I add blocks to the beginning or anywhere on the NXT-G program all the text would shift with the blocks. I like to Document as I go or it will never get done or I may forget the details when I finally get around to do it.

Re: Documentation

Posted: 29 May 2012, 13:10
by jojoguy14
Tell me about it! I don't document (or "comment") a lot, but when I do, it's usually for BIG confusing programs! Add it to the NXT-G 3.0 wishlist :-)


Re: Documentation

Posted: 29 May 2012, 16:54
by mattallen37
This is no solution to NXT-G, but if the NXT-G bugs bite you too much, I suggest you use NXC instead. It's text based, and far less limiting (in zillions of ways).

Re: Documentation

Posted: 29 May 2012, 18:02
by cpapple123
mattallen37 wrote:This is no solution to NXT-G, but if the NXT-G bugs bite you too much, I suggest you use NXC instead. It's text based, and far less limiting (in zillions of ways).
The only thing keeping me here currently is the kids. I have had 6-lessons with them to find the group I might be getting together next fall as a FLL team. Once I identify this group chances are I will learn the NXC software over the summer and introduce it to the small group.

Re: Documentation

Posted: 04 Jul 2012, 06:36
by bungeshea
You can add documentation to My Blocks. Simply open up the My Block and click on the orange square at the start. You can also add documentation when you create the block.