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Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 14:53
by igorsoares
Hello guys,

I'm having a problem with my NXT. It doesn't turn on and I can't figure out the problem. I've already tried the hard reset button and updated the firmware, but I got no response. Please someone help me!!!

Re: Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 15:06
by haydenstudios
First off, make absolutely certain that it is not turning on. Sometimes, if the firmware is either absent, or not properly installed, it will have a blank screen, and emit a soft clicking noise when it's on. Make sure this is not happening. If it is, then start up NXT-G, plug your NXT into your computer via USB, and download the firmware again. If you're sure it's not turning on, and you've installed fresh batteries, then contact LEGO and tell them of your problem. They will be happy to replace your broken NXT for you, and most likely for free.

Re: Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 15:18
by igorsoares
haydenstudios wrote:First off, make absolutely certain that it is not turning on. Sometimes, if the firmware is either absent, or not properly installed, it will have a blank screen, and emit a soft clicking noise when it's on. Make sure this is not happening. If it is, then start up NXT-G, plug your NXT into your computer via USB, and download the firmware again. If you're sure it's not turning on, and you've installed fresh batteries, then contact LEGO and tell them of your problem. They will be happy to replace your broken NXT for you, and most likely for free.
It doens't make any sound, and the batteries are good too. And I've already contacted LEGO with my problem, I'm waiting the answer. Anyways, thank you =)

Re: Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 15:16
by hassenplug
igorsoares wrote:It doesn't turn on and I can't figure out the problem. I've already tried the hard reset button and updated the firmware, but I got no response.
Do you mean you actually replaced the firmware, or you TRIED to replace the firmware?

If you actually replaced the firmware, the NXT is powering up (some). It's possible the display and speaker are not working.

If you can not replace the firmware (PC does not recognize the NXT when you plug it in) I'd spend more time looking at the batteries. Make sure they're in correctly, and try another set.

Where did this NXT come from?


Re: Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 27 Dec 2011, 11:28
by mvallance
LEGO UK kindly replaced 2 faulty NXT bricks recently. Only 2 yrs old though.

Re: Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 16:15
by pyroblast
Hi there guys.

I have jut updated my LEGO NXT through this software: BricxCC. I don't know it is supposed to update the firmware like that but I did that way.

My screen doesn't turn on, however a can hear a kind of noisy as someone told up here.

I don't what to do, can someone help me out?


Re: Help! My NXT doesn't turn on

Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 16:48
by h-g-t