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Using bluetooth to synchronize robots

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 16:02
by nunzilla
Hi Friends,

I'm not sure this is possible ... I wanted to hear from you guys if you think I should even chase this idea down.
I have 5 identical robots that will race (they are programmed to use random-number generated speeds) as part of a charity event. Obviously, to be fair, they should all start at the same time. Is there a way to use bluetooth to make the racing program execute on all 5 at the same time? Say, make a robot that controls the "racers" and when I push its button, it starts everyone up?

I have had a hard time finding info on bluetooth use in NXT programming...



Re: Using bluetooth to synchronize robots

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 16:22
by mattallen37
Bluetooth has a lag time, not to mention that a master NXT can *only* have three slaves. The lag time is not really large, and you could add waits based on assumption, but I wouldn't do it since there are five racers, and not just three.

I think it would be easier to have a system where a light sensor is pointed down, and it waits for the start light (under it) to change states. I think that this would have them in sync a lot better. This way, they would all get the "signal" at the same time.

Re: Using bluetooth to synchronize robots

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 16:31
by gloomyandy
Or use the sound sensor and a starting gun!

Re: Using bluetooth to synchronize robots

Posted: 14 Oct 2010, 19:54
by afanofosc
Or the ultrasonic sensor and a starting gate (like at a horse race). When the gate is lifted the cars (horses) start moving. If the gate is close to the sensor you probably wouldn't have problems with cross-talk.

John Hansen

Re: Using bluetooth to synchronize robots

Posted: 15 Oct 2010, 13:23
by nunzilla
Thanks guys! All your suggestions are far more "racer-like" than my original idea! Thanks a million!

Racing towards NXT victory