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Product Promotion

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 13:48
by hassenplug
I pulled some of Gus' comments into a new post, so we can all have a clear understanding of what to expect.
gusjansson wrote:Secondly, full disclosure, I work for HiTechnic but I am posting here not so much to promote our products but rather to give some inside and technical information as a service to the readers of this forum.

HiTechnic has recently released two new sensors that I think will be interesting to many of you.
At some point, I'm sure we'll feel the need to draw a line and define what products should, and should not be discussed in this forum. But, right now posts from sensor manufacturers will be allowed, because they are directly related to the content of this forum.

I also know that Gus is not posting just to sell stuff, but to inform and assist. As long as he's willing to help people who have problems with their stuff, he's welcome to post.


Re: Product Promotion

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 23:53
by sqiddster
I found it quite helpful and informative, it didn't read as advertising at all.

Re: Product Promotion

Posted: 30 Sep 2010, 14:35
by m-goldberg
I was glad to see the HiTechnic post. I would not like such posts to be suppressed.