Re: NXC: I²C drivers for Hitechnic Tetrix motor muxer ?
Posted: 08 Feb 2011, 20:11
again, you may get one of mine...
(if you want to bury the hatchet)
(if you want to bury the hatchet)
Give a child a robot, he'll play for an hour. Teach him to build, and he'll play forever.
Waits in between have no effect, the mistake stays as it is: sometimes a motor doen't start running (while the other one does), another time 1 motor doesn't stop but keeps on running (while the other one stops correctly), sometimes both motors don't follow the commands.doc-helmut wrote: The bad news:
the TXMotorOn function not always starts or brakes both motors - sometimes 1 of the motors simply keeps idle or keeps on running.
Code: Select all
// program Tetrix_Motor_Driver ver. 0.14 #define printf5( _x, _y, _format1,_format2,_format3,_format4,_format5,_value1,_value2,_value3,_value4,_value5) { \ string sval1 = FormatNum(_format1, _value1); \ string sval2 = FormatNum(_format2, _value2); \ string sval3 = FormatNum(_format3, _value3); \ string sval4 = FormatNum(_format4, _value4); \ string sval5 = FormatNum(_format5, _value5); \ string s =sval1+sval2+sval3+sval4+sval5; \ TextOut(_x, _y, s); \ } #define printf2( _x, _y, _format1, _format2, _value1, _value2) { \ string sval1 = FormatNum(_format1, _value1); \ string sval2 = FormatNum(_format2, _value2); \ string s =sval1+sval2; \ TextOut(_x, _y, s); \ } #define printf1( _x, _y, _format1, _value1) { \ string sval1 = FormatNum(_format1, _value1); \ TextOut(_x, _y, sval1); \ } void TXMotorOn(byte NXTport, byte TXmotor, char percentage) { byte retLen = 0; char modeMsg[]; char powerMsg[]; byte devAddr, modeReg, powerReg; char IOresult; // addresses and registers devAddr = (TXmotor+2)&14; modeReg = 0x44 + (TXmotor % 2)*3; powerReg= 0x45 + (TXmotor % 2); ArrayBuild(modeMsg, devAddr, modeReg, 0); // 0= PWM percentage mode ArrayBuild(powerMsg, devAddr, powerReg, percentage); // Send the first message as soon as the bus is ready while ((I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) && (I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) != NO_ERR)) Wait(1); IOresult=I2CWrite(NXTport, retLen, modeMsg); if (IOresult != NO_ERR) { printf5(0,48-(8*TXmotor),"%d","%3d","%2d","%5d","%4d",TXmotor,modeMsg[1],modeMsg[2],powerMsg[2],IOresult); return; } printf5(0,48-(8*TXmotor),"%d","%3d","%2d","%5d","%4d",TXmotor,modeMsg[1],modeMsg[2],powerMsg[2],IOresult); Wait(1); // Send the second message when the first one is done ArrayBuild(powerMsg, devAddr, powerReg, percentage); while ((I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) && (I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) != NO_ERR)) Wait(1); IOresult=I2CWrite(NXTport, retLen, powerMsg); if (IOresult != NO_ERR) { printf5(0,48-(8*TXmotor),"%d","%3d","%2d","%5d","%4d",TXmotor,modeMsg[1],modeMsg[2],powerMsg[2],IOresult); return; } printf5(0,48-(8*TXmotor),"%d","%3d","%2d","%5d","%4d",TXmotor,modeMsg[1],modeMsg[2],powerMsg[2],IOresult); Wait(1); } void ResetTXMotorCounter(byte NXTport, byte TXmotor) { byte retLen = 0; char modeMsg[]; byte devAddr, modeReg; char IOresult; // addresses and registers devAddr = (TXmotor+2)&14; modeReg = 0x44 + (TXmotor % 2)*3; ArrayBuild(modeMsg, devAddr, modeReg, 3); // 3 = reset enc value // Send the reset message as soon as the bus is ready while ((I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) && (I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) != NO_ERR)) Wait(1); IOresult=I2CWrite(NXTport, retLen, modeMsg); if (IOresult != NO_ERR) { return; }; Wait(10); } long GetTXMotorCounter(byte NXTport, byte TXmotor) { byte devAddr; const byte msgLen = 4; byte sendMsg[]; byte replyMsg[]; byte encStartReg; devAddr = (TXmotor+2)&14; if (TXmotor==0) encStartReg = 0x4C; else if (TXmotor==1) encStartReg = 0x50; ArrayBuild(sendMsg, devAddr, encStartReg); // ArrayBuild(sendMsg, DGPS_I2C_ADDR, START_OF_ENCODER_REGISTER); // Only -one- register, the first one, is requested while ((I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) == STAT_COMM_PENDING) && (I2CCheckStatus(NXTport) != NO_ERR)) Wait(1); // if(!I2CBytes(NXTport, sendMsg, msgLen, replyMsg)) return ; if(I2CBytes(NXTport, sendMsg, msgLen, replyMsg)) { return replyMsg[3] + (replyMsg[2] << 8) + (replyMsg[1] << 16) + (replyMsg[0] << 24); } } task showValues() { long encoder0, encoder1; while(1) { encoder0= GetTXMotorCounter(0, 0); encoder1= GetTXMotorCounter(0, 1); Wait(10); printf1(0,8,"M1=%7d", encoder0); printf1(0,0,"M2=%7d", encoder1); } } task main(){ TextOut(0,56,"M Rg md pow error"); SetSensorType(S1, SENSOR_TYPE_LOWSPEED); Wait(20); ResetSensor(S1); Wait(50); StartTask(showValues); while (true) { // test loop TXMotorOn(0, 0, 50); TXMotorOn(0, 1, 20); Wait(2000); TXMotorOn(0, 0, 0); // brake TXMotorOn(0, 1, 0); // brake Wait(2000); TXMotorOn(0, 0, -50); TXMotorOn(0, 1, -20); Wait(2000); TXMotorOn(0, 0, 0); // brake TXMotorOn(0, 1, -128); // coast Wait(2000); ResetTXMotorCounter(0,0); ResetTXMotorCounter(0,1); Wait(2000); } }