why compatibility with legacy programs if it's weird and ambiguous? Legacy programs can be re-written.
And maybe we will have overloaded functions some day :P
But anyway,
... far too much to type,
and what do you want to say by "direction"?
in C it's getchar() (which we already have)
C also uses cin (analog to cout), getchar, getch, getche(), kbhit(), scanf, fscanf, sscanf, vfscanf, vscanf, vsscanf (stdio.h, conio.h, partially for files)
so I suggest for a substitute to
char Buttonpressed
it could also be something C-like (short and consise)
bool ButtonPressed(const byte btn, bool resetCount = false) // should be obsolete
(particularly as bool in C is actually char and could be fully used like that to return the exact btn code, not just 0 or 1)
Re: wishlist for BricxCC
Posted: 16 Jan 2011, 23:18
by muntoo
When I click Help->Index, I get BricxCC help, unless I have an NXC file open. I'd like there to be a menu, so you can choose between which help you want (BricxCC/NBC/NXC/NQC). Sort of like Help->Guide PDFs, but with Help->Documentationi->NXC or something.
Re: wishlist for BricxCC
Posted: 17 Jan 2011, 07:09
by nxt-ai
fuzzball27 wrote:I think that a full BricxCC GUI for Mac would be great. I've been using NeXT Tools, Terminal, and AppleScript for my programming, its nice, but a more organized programming environment would be excellent.
Xcode already has NQC syntax coloring BTW which is what I use
I personally dislike the look of BricxCC, kind of cluttered and slow
No offense meant to John Hanson (King of NXC/NBC)
Or does anyone remember NXTCode; (someone dropped in on nxtasy for one post to say they were working on a mac nxc/nbc ide with an Xcode-like look, and were never heard from again).
If there is to be a Mac BricxCC instead of Xcode plugin could it have an Xcode-similar UI?
nxt-ai wrote:If there is to be a Mac BricxCC instead of Xcode plugin could it have an Xcode-similar UI?
IMHO, the perfect BricxCC would be Notepad++ + BricxCC integrated. (Or a plugin/plugin kit isn't too bad, I suppose.)
(And no, I don't mean Notepad+++BricxCC = Notepad+BrixCC = What is wrong with me??)
Unfortunately, there's no Notepad++ for mac. Perhaps some genius out there could do something with Netbeans IDE (plugin) or [Bloodshed!] DevC++ (plugin) or something?
I was going to look at Notepad++ plugins earlier, but I still haven't figured out "Hello World!" (plus, I'm too busy taking over the world), so don't get your hopes up. And even if I did, I'd need lots of help from the creator of BricxCC (all hail the king*). **
*Did I mention John Hansen carries the blade that was broken, Andúril?
** EDIT: Just so it's clear, I was giving an idea. No one is obligated to do anything I wrote in this post. If they were, it'd be because of the robot assassins I would've sent, threatening them.
Re: wishlist for BricxCC
Posted: 06 Feb 2011, 13:14
by HaWe
is it possible to get syntax highlighting also for self-defined constants or #define macros like #define dbOffset 60
in this case in my code dbOffset may be highlighted in RED just like constant numbers, e.g. as if I had used 60 instead.
On the other hand, it might be highlighted GREEN, e.g. like API-predefined constants like S1 or MAX_INT
Re: wishlist for BricxCC
Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 03:08
by muntoo
And another thing... *
I can't see anything. Can you enable the ability to resize the Keystroke editor?
Can we have alt text (aka "title text") which tells us what each feature does? So, if we wonder what the option "DO NOT CHECK THIS, OR YOU WILL DIE" does, we won't check it? There's some that confuse me... [Including "Blow up on exit".]
* WARNING. Contains the phrase "shut up". If you are really, really offended by "shut up", and believe it to be inappropriate, please shut up, and DO NOT view the spoiler. I'm working under the assumption that if you've read H2G2, you won't be offended by "shut up". Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Oh, and please... Shut up.
Haven't read it yet, so shut up, and if you're going to say anything about it, use spoilers.
Re: wishlist for BricxCC
Posted: 10 Feb 2011, 04:47
by muntoo
And another thing. Should be easy (I hope?):
Remove the Message Box popup when I Select some text, Ctrl+click on text to copy.
Re: wishlist for BricxCC
Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 22:19
by HaWe
acc to nxt explorer:
can't rename files - neither on the nxt side nor on the PC side