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Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 22 Feb 2011, 00:27
by muntoo
kvols wrote:My ¢5...
And they say you're only worth 2... :D

Nice list. I may try it someday, when I've got more time. Just a little formatting tip:

Code: Select all

[list][*]Full support for classes with local method names, inheritance, overloading.
[*]World class development environment using eg. Eclipse or Netbeans
[*]Full support for recursion, threads, dynamic allocation, automatic garbage collection.
[*]Good performance, yet safe programming without worrying about pointers or indexes
[*]Plenty of built-in data types (int, float, double, long, ..)
[*]All free, completely open source, and works great on my favorite platform: Ubuntu[/list]
  • Full support for classes with local method names, inheritance, overloading.
  • World class development environment using eg. Eclipse or Netbeans
  • Full support for recursion, threads, dynamic allocation, automatic garbage collection.
  • Good performance, yet safe programming without worrying about pointers or indexes
  • Plenty of built-in data types (int, float, double, long, ..)
  • All free, completely open source, and works great on my favorite platform: Ubuntu
Of course, I still hate (not a strong word ;) ) Java.

Language pro/cons:
  • NXT-G
    • "Easy" (for "beginners")
    • Slow
    • Commercial ($??)
  • NXC
    • Lots of "Enhanced" API integrated with firmware that other languages don't support
    • Works with all Standard Firmwares and Enhanced NBC/NXC Firmwares
  • RobotC
    • Execution Speed is LEGENDARY
    • Debugger
    • Commercial ($30)
  • LeJOS
    • See spoiler for kvols's list
    • It's JAVA. >:)
  • nxtOSEK
    • "Real" C, I think
    • Pointers, Recursion
  • Others that didn't make the list:
    • Suck... Nah, I'm just kidding :)
    • Didn't make the list
    • Aren't on THIS list currently
    • Probably exist, but aren't mentioned on this list

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 07:30
by timpattinson
is the best.
  • Lego endorsed FW
  • Free
  • Open Source

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 08:24
by mightor
As much I love religious wars, I will lock this thread if it turns into a "X rules, Y drools" back-and-forth.

Just so it doesn't come as a surprise when it happens.

- Xander

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 14:29
by hassenplug
My favorite language RULES. All others drool. (I think I can unlock the thread, if xander locks it... :)

My answer: I prefer to use the language that works best for the task at hand. I have used most of the languages listed for one project or another. As stated, they do have different pros and cons.

One of my favorite quotes: "When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail."

I have a pretty full toolbox.


Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 15:59
by h-g-t
As an occasional but opportunistic programmer I have always used whatever was available. When working in highway maintenance and my promised copy of Autocad failed to arrive I ended up issuing contract drawings prepared using the drawing elements in Microsoft Word!

Must say I like NXC, perhaps it is because I have already done some programming from time to time over the years but I find it much easier and faster to write than NXT-G. Don't know if I would have found it as easy if I had not learned about Lego programming by using NXT-G first though.

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 18:11
by HaWe

...what else ?!

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 23 Feb 2011, 19:05
by nxtreme
hassenplug wrote:(I think I can unlock the thread, if xander locks it... :)
Ooo noes! An un-matched left parenthesis!

Joking aside, I still prefer NXT-G just because it does what I need it to. I remember Brian Davis (he's still missing, why isn't he here :cry:? Have we lost him to the Dark Side?) used to say that he used NXT-G until it just couldn't do what he needed it to do. If I remember correctly, even his two HALE platforms where programmed in NXT-G. I feel the same way, it works fine for me, I have a older computer but it is still quite powerful and NXT-G runs quite well on it. I understand it quite well, and most importantly, right now I don't need it to do anything else. When I do, I will switch to NXC and maybe, eventually, RobotC.

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 24 Feb 2011, 00:55
by haydenstudios
I'm an NXT-G user, but for my twelfth birthday I asked for and received a book which would teach me how to program in LeJOS called:
I liked the first two chapters, but I found it impossible to learn the programming language. I guess that maybe it's because I was twelve then, and I was asking too much of myself to learn it. After much trying to comprehend it, I finally gave up, put the LEGO firmware back on my NXT and shelved that book, telling myself that I would look back into it some day. But now I'm more considering learning NXC instead.

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 00:05
by bungeshea
Personally, I like NXT-G because if you have a robot, you have NXT-G and the graphical interface is easy to use and looks nice. :D I have used NXT-G as my sole programming language for the four years I used MINDSTORMS in school, mainly because I thought that NXT-G was the ONLY programming language. But, as my programs advanced, I realised I like working with the NXT brick functions- NXT Buttons, LCD Screen, Brick name, battery level, dark grey button, saving files- which are limited with NXT-G, so now I am starting to learn NXC as a second programming language.

Re: What programming language do you prefer?

Posted: 26 Apr 2011, 06:05
by pbenco
I use NXC for all my projects, having not found any dramatic limits yet. LEJOS seems very interesting, i got the book, but never give it a real try yet.
I'm more focused now around firmware, with NXTGCC...