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Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 09 Nov 2011, 00:35
by muntoo
spillerrec wrote:Is creating grayscale pictures something I should add in RICcreator? I could add some extra stuff when importing images, so it creates 2 images at different thresholds instead of just one. Just some simple stuff though.
Anyway, is there interest?
(I know everyone will hate me for saying this, but it must be said.)

I think it's better to keep your software focused. Adding features that will only make a select few happy will only add bloat*. It could be a plugin, or an addition, or something, but not 'integrated' directly into the actual software installer you download. Only if there is great demand should you include it; and I seriously doubt there ever will be.

The world does not need a RotaerCCIR. The name should be enough to deter you from that path. (...Unless you like the name ((1R.)

In other words, -1, or |\|0.

*Even if this is the only unnecessary feature you plan to ever add, don't add it.

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 09 Nov 2011, 17:13
by haydenstudios
muntoo wrote:(I know everyone will hate me for saying this, but it must be said.)

I think it's better to keep your software focused. Adding features that will only make a select few happy will only add bloat*. It could be a plugin, or an addition, or something, but not 'integrated' directly into the actual software installer you download.
One thing he could do is simply add lighter shades of grey to a color palette among which would be grey, white, black, or anything else in between. Maybe also he could have some kind of option in a preferences menu with a checkbox next to it saying something like:

Code: Select all

Enable grayscale
And only then would the interface have these extra things. If he incorperates it right, then it may not seem too confusing.
muntoo also wrote: Only if there is great demand should you include it; and I seriously doubt there ever will be.
I do not think that it would only make a select few happy. I believe that even intermediate users would love this feature. Even if there aren't many supporters, I'll AT LEAST be the fourth one to say yes! Please do it!

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 09 Nov 2011, 21:58
by spillerrec
All I was thinking to add a way to automatically create 'n' sprites from a image file, which had been thresholding to different amount of gray.
Something like this:
It will not be able to either show nor edit the sprites in gray scale, if you want to do that, do it in Gimp and then import the resulting image instead.

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 07:07
by muntoo
spillerrec wrote:All I was thinking to add a way to automatically create 'n' sprites from a image file, which had been thresholding to different amount of gray.
Something like this:
It will not be able to either show nor edit the sprites in gray scale, if you want to do that, do it in Gimp and then import the resulting image instead.
Now that works perfectly. :) Nice idea.

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 15:19
by nxtboyiii
You could have them choose how many levels of grayscale. That would be cool and I think a lot of people would like it because they have never had grayscale on the NXT so they can expirement with it and use it.

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 11 Nov 2011, 23:34
by monkyman95
Fascinating... Maybe, once I release NXTMario, I'll revise the sprites into Greyscale...

Re: NXT Grayscale-pics

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 23:50
by spillerrec
nxtboyiii wrote:You could have them choose how many levels of grayscale.
Notice the spinbox below the "Dithering" checkbox. The number in there determines the amount of images it should generate. The slider changes the thresholds for the images which also works for dithered images now.