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Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 10:11
by pbenco
Thank's to you, dear admins and modos, nxtasy is not completly dead.
Even the spirit of the forum is not dead, the content will be difficult to get back. Have you an idea of how to retrieve the huge amount of informations, experiences, code, etc. ???
pbenco (was previously Benco :lol: )

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 10:19
by sqiddster
Thanks, you guys! I was beginning to get withdrawal symptoms... I plan to be a regular here.

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 11:51
by philoo
Thanks for reacting so fast to NXTasy dispartion!
I have replaced on my website the NXTasy banner with a Mindboards one...

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 12:56
by jojoguy14
SWEET! Can't wait to see what happens! I hope it'll be just as popular as NXTasy (or even MORE popular!)!
Though, unfortunately, you can't click the "View NEW posts" button :-(. I guess I can live :D

P.S. My known user name is Jojoguy10, but I couldn't use it. So, I'm using jojoguy14. Thanks!
P.P.S I did notice that there is in fact a "View new posts" button! Go to main forums page, it's to the top-right of the surrounding blue border :D

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 13:47
by x-treem
Hi everybody it's me I_Fixed_It_44!I hope this place will be better than NXTasy,and good work everybody!

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 13:54
by sebi-mylegopage
Hi I'm Sebastian from German.
We (the moderators of have founded a new english forum after the closing of nxtasy too:

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 13:58
by mepshtain

As a new member in the NXT community.

I"m glad to see you took this initiative and a big thank you to all

Hope tat some day i could contirbute significantly myself.

Currently I learn the basics of LabView 2010 and the NXT toolkit. After I played several month with the NXT-G.

I am using Michael Gasperi's book "LAbview for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT" but since this book was written using earlier version of LAbVIEW , I need from time to time to find the equivalent in LabVIEW 2010

Hope to find LabVIEW NXT experts in this forum.



Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 15:46
by myrotfl
Thanks to all responsible for establishing this new place for us to gather!

I hope that there is some way to recover all the data that was available on NXTasy. I also hope there is someway to at least put it up somewhere as a searchable database. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to search for something that was on the NXTasy forum *** and *** BLOG this past week.

I guess we start all over now. (Where was that info on BlueTooth and Mac OS? Where are all those valuable BLOG posts?)

Oh, well, time to let go of the past and just hope that someone here still remembers the answers when the questions are posted again. I also hope someone remembers all the questions so that they can be posted and answered again.

Thanks again,

Andy D

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 16:51
by afanofosc
Sadly, web caches aren't proving to be very helpful in my attempts to recover data from nxtasy. I've been able to grab a few things but it is very tedious and surprisingly sparse. Some threads I can get one page but not the rest. Other threads I can only get one post from a threaded view. I expected it to be more encompassing and easier to mine.

I did happen to find what looks to be a mostly complete cache of a thread on the forums about Bluetooth and Mac OS X.

Re: Welcome to Mindboards

Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 19:50
by alban42800
Thanks for this new forum.