New Mindboards Contest?

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New Mindboards Contest?

Post by nxtboyiii »

When will the new Mindboards contest start?
What would it be?
Could I host it?

nxtboy III
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Re: New Mindboards Contest?

Post by mightor »

When will the new Mindboards contest start?
When someone steps up to organise it.
What would it be?
Whatever you think people would be interested in participating in.
Could I host it?
Yes, but through these forums, please. I am happy to make your contest a sticky post at the top of a forum, probably this one or the "building" one.

Don't do a poll about a contest, just think of something you think people would be intested in and do it. If you make a poll, only a few will vote for it and you'll get another 100 new suggestions for other ideas. You can't please everyone. The deadline should be fixed and non-negotiable, or you'll end up moving it back further and further and it'll never end. Don't make it too long or too short or it'll sort of die a slow death or people won't get it done. I'd say 4 weeks is enough; the robots don't need to be perfect, there is no such thing.

Don't forget about the current NXTLog contest. Perhaps wait with yours until this one is over.

- Xander
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Re: New Mindboards Contest?

Post by haydenstudios »

mightor wrote: Don't forget about the current NXTLog contest. Perhaps wait with yours until this one is over.

- Xander
I'm not sure how necessary that would be, cause only a hand full of us on this forum are active on the NXTLOG. The only ones I know of are myself, i-fixed-it-44, and themindstormman. So I personally think he could do it whenever.
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Re: New Mindboards Contest?

Post by dimasterooo »

haydenstudios wrote:
mightor wrote: Don't forget about the current NXTLog contest. Perhaps wait with yours until this one is over.

- Xander
I'm not sure how necessary that would be, cause only a hand full of us on this forum are active on the NXTLOG. The only ones I know of are myself, i-fixed-it-44, and themindstormman. So I personally think he could do it whenever.
Yeah I agree (even though I'm on NXTLog myself). Because it's hard to really put a lot of detail into NXTLog posts without youtube videos or any links at all. Also, we usually can't use anything else than HiTechnic and LEGO sensors for the official contests - so no Mindsensors and Dexter Industries stuff.

But I think another MiBo competition would be great. Just one thing: it might be a good idea to do something smallish, because nobody really submitted anything for the last one - you need loads of motors, sensors and parts to make an impressive robotic arm, and most people don't have that much stuff.
- Leon Overweel (aka. dimastero/ dimasterooo)

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Re: New Mindboards Contest?

Post by muntoo »

The NXT Games contest was very successful on NXTasy, IIRC.

Something small and simple, but which can be extended: Remember the "permanent, never ending" Fastest Vehicle competition over at NXTasy?

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Re: New Mindboards Contest?

Post by nxtboyiii »

So maybe a game contest?
I'll probably do that...
Thanks, and have a nice day,
nxtboy III
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Re: New Mindboards Contest?

Post by dimasterooo »

muntoo wrote:Something small and simple, but which can be extended: Remember the "permanent, never ending" Fastest Vehicle competition over at NXTasy?
That'd be great to have here! It's perfect: everybody can participate and as muntoo said, you can interpret it any way you want :) (i vote that if we're voting)
- Leon Overweel (aka. dimastero/ dimasterooo)

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