I want to have a file with an undetermined number of lines. I want to read it into a struct.
What I have been doing is this:
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#define Max_number_of_lines 25
string Original_Message[Max_number_of_lines];
After I create that string, I read the individual lines into it using this lib function I coded:
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void ReadFile(string file_name, int & Read_Line_i, string & message_struct[])
byte File_Handle;
int File_Size;
string File_Line_Message;
bool Rdone = false;
if(OpenFileRead(file_name, File_Size, File_Handle) == NO_ERR)
until (Rdone == true) // read the text file till the end
if(ReadLnString(File_Handle, File_Line_Message) != NO_ERR) Rdone = true;
message_struct[Read_Line_i] = File_Line_Message;
for (int i=Read_Line_i; i < Max_number_of_lines; i++){ //Fill the rest with nothing
How can I size it to the exact number of lines, efficiently? For arrays, I use "ArrayInit", and that's supposed to be good, but how do I do it for structs?
How do you recommend I read a file into a struct of strings? I want to address the lines (individual strings) with a variable like this "Original_Message[LineToRead];".