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Re: TextEdit

Post by dudmaster »

Well... I still haven't got good code from my old bad code... I just don't understand how to fix it! :shock:
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Re: TextEdit

Post by borntoown »

I only saw the RIC files (A bug is making me unable to compile the program) and I'm interested in a bug-free version of this :D
Although the AreYouSure?'s and the NXTOutPut's design isn't above average nor below it :) (You can make it better)
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Re: TextEdit

Post by dudmaster »

Yo guys! New version out! V8!!! YEA!

Edited by Mightor for reduced shoutiness.
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Re: TextEdit

Post by borntoown »

Now im really sad XD
My project, Manual Printer, is such a failure in front of this...

Your program has so many errors, and a missing file (AreYouSure.ric).
B2O productions are the best for the best.
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Location: Texas, Santa Fe

Re: TextEdit

Post by dudmaster »

The final version (aside from bug fixes) is released.
BTW: The manual printer is not a fail :)
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