[Flame War] Best OS

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[Flame War] Best OS

Post by muntoo »

Go on, I know you're itching to start. :D

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Last edited by muntoo on 17 Mar 2011, 22:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by jojoguy14 »

Each has it's disadvantages and advantages. But, I think my ABSOLUTE favorite would have to be Linux (with Ubuntu). No, NXT-G does NOT work on it, but if you had the right computer, you could dual-boot Windows.

I also like Windows 7 a LOT! The interface looks terrific! But, I use a computer with 6GB of RAM, and something of Windows is using a LOT of it (maybe around 15%)!

As for mac (notice the lower-case "m").......forget mac. I'm sorry, but I have used a mac (mainly file browsing) and it's hard. I understand it's because I'm a Windows user, and I have to learn it, but still. I will say this about mac's, I think that they're great for multimedia projects and watching movies!

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by muntoo »

I think I've seen that comic before. (I could be wrong.)

Of course, as a Windows user, I go, "Not again", and then "Oh well, as long as it fixes some things", and then "Wait... there 10 of them?! Couldn't they space it out a bit?"


Yeah, Windows (Vista Home Premium 32-bit, 2GB RAM) can be unstable. XP is mostly stable, but lacks UAC/"sudo".

I like Ubuntu, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to put it on my system. (Other users wouldn't approve. :roll: :) )

Here's what I think:
  1. Windows XP
  2. Windows 7 (with lots of tweakin'; unfortunately, I don't have this)
  3. Windows Vista (...which is what I have)
It runs faster with Aero disabled, although some people disagree. I've mostly kept Vista prettier than XP, but almost as fast. (Lots of tweaking... four years' worth. :D)

Ubuntu, I can't say, since I don't use it that much. (I have it on VirtualBox, but you don't expect me to work under an OS under Vista, can you?)

And Macs... ugh! One word cannot describe their "horrendousness".

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by timpattinson »

Here's what I think
  1. Win7
  2. Linux
  3. XP
  4. Mac
  5. Vista
[EDIT] This has turned out to not be much of a flame war afterall
(but We have't discussed Mac vs PC or iPhone vs Android v Windows Phone 7 and NXT vs Arduino)
Last edited by timpattinson on 17 Mar 2011, 08:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by mattallen37 »

For what little I have used by brother-in-law's Mac, I am impressed. However, I have not used a Mac enough to make much of a backed opinion.

As far as Windows, here is what I think of some of them:
  • 3.1: Old, almost pointless now. It's good for several games, but that's about all I/we use it for.

    95: Similar to 98, but I don't use it nearly as much.

    98: Great. Super stable. Awesome support of old HW, and fair support of newer HW. Plays most older games very well. I use it for programming RCX's and PICAXE's.

    ME: Almost the same as 98 se.

    XP: Pretty good. Good SW and HW suppot. Oldish, but still decent, and stable. I did program RCX's and an NXT (only had one at the time) with it.

    Vista: A mix between a sub XP OS (operation), and Win7 (graphics). I use it fairly often. I occasionally program NXT's and Arduino with it.

    7: My favorite overall. Easy to network. Fairly good support of software and hardware. Maybe it's just because of this computer's specs (2.5 mHz quad core, 8 gb ram), but I am very impressed by how well it works overall. I program NXT's, Arduino, and hopefully soon, RCX's with it (now that I made an IR "tower" for it).

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by doc222 »

Well if you game on a PC it seems that unless you are Windows, its game over.

Mat your 2.5 is it an older one? mine is a E6600 2.4 but there is ALOT of head room here for OCing mine has been running at 3.5 on air, gaming (BF2, Bc2) for years. Never as issue. I cant break 3.6 with the way I am clocking this by overtiming the front bus was 1066 now 1500. Memory gets hoT but jeryriged two case fans right on the bank and they stay cool. Makes the Pc alot snappier. CPU stock voltage. stable as windows overclocked can be :lol:
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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by sidneys1 »

I personally would have to say that Windows is my favorite. I've used Mac OSX, and as far as I am concerned, its interface is not very intuitive. Linux is nice, but it doesn't have enough apps nor nearly enough device compatability. I have Vista SP2, and yeah, people say "omg it crashes how can you stand it! bsod every five minutes"... yeah... newbs. Windows works like a charm if you know how to use it properly. Treat it right and it'll do whatever you want.

Mac: Hey PC, whatcha doing?
PC: Oh, playing some games.
Mac: Oh really? Which ones?
PC: Oh, you know... All of them.

Have a nice day,

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by muntoo »

sidneys1 wrote:Treat it right and it'll do whatever you want.
Unfortunately, that's not true for 'power users'. Also, for me it just freezes (no BSOD, of course), although I suspect Spyware Doctor with Antivirus 8... 6 was perfect, 7 was uh..., and 8 was "why does Vista keep crashing/freezing?"

In any case, I'd love to give Windows 7 a spin.

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by mattallen37 »

doc222 wrote:Well if you game on a PC it seems that unless you are Windows, its game over.

Mat your 2.5 is it an older one?...
I have seen some pretty good games running fine on a mac.

We got it second hand, but it was still in a sealed box. It was about 1 1/3 years ago. I am not sure how old it actually is, but it came with Win7 installed. We have never messed with the HW, or with over-clocking it.

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Re: [Flame War] Best OS

Post by mightor »

The OS is irrelevant. The only thing that matters are the applications. The best OS is the one you don't notice because it doesn't interfere with what you're doing.

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