NXT : I2C communication with PCB

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Re: NXT : I2C communication with PCB

Post by mattallen37 »

Instead of using:

Code: Select all

WriteBuf[1] = 0xf+(~ReadBuf[0]) ;
Why not something like this:

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WriteBuf[1] = 0xff-(ReadBuf[0]) ; //You may need the NOT bitwise operator in there, I don't know, as your code is incomplete)
just for simplicity.

Or, you could break out the individual bits, and rewrite the output value based on their values (or whatever other values).

I'm all for gun control... that's why I use both hands when shooting ;)
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Joined: 07 Dec 2010, 15:39

Re: NXT : I2C communication with PCB

Post by angusfr »

if found the solution before i saw your answer ^^

My complete code based on "RXC touch sensor Mux" :

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#define I2Cport S4
#define I2CAddr8574  0x40                         // I2C Address pour 8574

unsigned byte WriteBuf[]={I2CAddr8574,0x00};               // adresse - données
unsigned byte ReadBuf[];                                   // Lecture PCF8574
int RdCnt=5;                                      // Nb byte a lire
unsigned byte lightLed = 0x00;

int GetTouchSwitches()
    I2CBytes(I2Cport, WriteBuf, RdCnt, ReadBuf);
  }while (ReadBuf[0] == WriteBuf[1])           // instead of do "ReadBuf[0] == 0xff", i check if the data change. That's how i can light more than 1 led at the same time (if i write 0xff, i turn off led)

task main()
  WriteBuf[1] = 0xff;                         // turn off leds
    GetTouchSwitches();                    // get button pressed
    ReadBuf[0] >>= 4;                        // readbuf = 4byte for button and 4 byte for led, i only need informations about button then i delete led bytes
    lightLed = ~ReadBuf[0];                // ~ operator convert 0 to 1 and 1 to 0   (button pressed is high level 1 but i need a low level 0 to ligh a led)
    lightLed = (lightLed) & (WriteBuf[1]);        // i use an AND operator to keep previous light leds
    WriteBuf[1] = lightLed;                            
    I2CBytes(I2Cport, WriteBuf, RdCnt, ReadBuf);   // i send data to PCF8574 
Some comments are in french, don't blame me for that x)

Next step for me is to turn off a led when the linked button is pressed for a second time without turn off the other leds. Display wich leds are ON or OFF on NXT screen would be nice too.

I'm gonna take a look about my switch too (on A0,A1,A2) ...

See you
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