NXT download glitch?

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NXT download glitch?

Post by mmm1215 »

We have a Mindstorms NXT 2.0 set. I discovered yesterday that, even with the most simple program, the brick only completes the first section of code and then stops. The digital message suggests that the program is still running (i.e., it must be stopped by pressing the stop button), but nothing is happening. I tried some diagnostic attempts -- creating a 4-step program involving moving one motor 60 degrees, saying a phrase, waiting for 1 second, moving the same motor back 60 degrees, and saying another phrase. The brick completes the first two steps, but nothing else happens after the 1 second wait. I tried eliminating the wait completely and going straight into the second move or the second phrase (tried both ways), but neither works. We tried changing the batteries, but nothing changed. I have tried downloading a program created with bricx as well as the regular Mindstorms software and the same problem occurred with both (first couple of steps completed but nothing after that). I also tried the direct control option with bricx and was able to control the motor both directions (I thought perhaps it was stuck).

At one point I got a "memory full" message when I tried to download a program, but I deleted some old programs and the download step seemed to work.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: NXT download glitch?

Post by afanofosc »

I am having trouble understanding your description of the problem(s) that you are encountering. Can you add a bit more details, such as programming language (I think NXT-G). You say that the same trouble occurs with a program created using Bricx. Can you post the code from that program? What do you mean by the "digital message" that enables you to know that the program is still running.

John Hansen
Multi-platform LEGO MINDSTORMS programming
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