I can't find a NXC API implementaton for the HT sensor mux, but just the file provided on the HT website.
So for a new NXC API HTsmux implementation I would appriciate if the Sensor and SMUX port combinations could be divided into separate sensorport and muxport values to be passed, e.g.
instead of
Code: Select all
smuxSensorLegoUS(msensor_S1_1); //or
Code: Select all
smuxSensorLegoUS(S1, Mx1); == smuxSensorLegoUS(0,0);
smuxSensorLegoUS(S3, Mx2); == smuxSensorLegoUS(2,1);
and if several mux ports have to be polled one can count through the mux ports just by a for(Mx=0...3) -loop