1: Bluetooth 2: Labview

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1: Bluetooth 2: Labview

Post by gavin666alex »

Alrighty now. There are two simple questions to answer if you know the resources.

1: I have almost no idea how to do bluetooth, like nxt/nxt connection for master/slave. I have connected the nxt to the computer so no worries there.

2: Can you provide a source teaching Labview.

I'm in my school robotics and we do FTC when its going(the reason for labview) and extra projects out of season(hence nxt/nxt)

Thank you.
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Re: 1: Bluetooth 2: Labview

Post by hassenplug »

1) This seems like a statement, not a question. "Bluetooth" covers a lot.
2) No.

This forum can be very helpful, but "tell me how to..." generally doesn't get a good reply.

I just went to google and typed (1) Bluetooth and (2) Learn Labview. I suspect either of those will provide enough reading that you can come back with meaningful questions.

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Re: 1: Bluetooth 2: Labview

Post by robotman2 »

Hey Gavin,

A great bluetooth NXT tutorial can be read here:
http://www.robotappstore.com/Knowledge- ... ms/92.html

It addresses the commands that are sent over bluetooth to the NXT controller and offers some step-by-step instructions for playing around with it. I recommend reading through it since it gives you some great insight into how the bluetooth commands work.

For bluetooth from NXT to NXT I was told that there was a slight trick. I believe you are correct with the thinking that there is a master / slave interaction. I'm working on finding out some more information about that, and I'll post it back up here when I find out.

Ok - onto teaching Labview... haha. I'm not one to make judgements on software packages, but I'll keep it short when I say I try to avoid labview :P. That being said, there are a bunch of great tutorials about labview - probably the best would be from the national instruments website itself here:

If you are looking for specific labview with NXT, try this out:

If you have any further questions, feel free ask away!

Hope this helps,
Robotman :)
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