Split action in for loop problems

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Split action in for loop problems

Post by neptunus10000 »

I have a question. If you see the image below, I want to split (do some things at almost the same time) the control of for example two motors in a for loop. But I can't draw it. If you see the big for loop there it is possible. But this is possible because the switch block is big. How can I draw my problem correct. Can you give me some tips?

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Re: Split action in for loop problems

Post by hassenplug »

Here are some tips for NXT-G programming:


Check out tip #6

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Re: Split action in for loop problems

Post by legostormrobot »

You know, you can just set the switch to go one way if the touch sensor is pressed and the other way if it isn't without having to put a touch sensor block before it... It just condenses your program a bit. Just a thought! ;)
Noah Allen

Age: 15

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Noah Allen

Age: 15

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