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Joined: 19 Jan 2012, 16:32

Hi everyone!

Post by marcoloca »

Hello everyone!
I'm Marco, I'm 16 years old and I'm writing from Italy!
I subscribed this forum 'cause I (and my robotics' team, of course) need some help in building an NXT robot.
We only have three months before the rescue competition (Robocup, in Rome) and we're seeing each other once a week for two hours. We agreed to divide the main tasks (as Design, Programming and so on) but we still need some suggestions and ideas for our robot.
Sooooo... Maybe you can help us!
Well, I have nothing else to say, I think =)
I hope we can share something too!

[PS: Correct me every time I'm wrong, really!]
[PPS: Well, I think that right now you are all sleeping (and I'll go to bed when you wake up :P)... Funny ^^]
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Re: Hi everyone!

Post by timpattinson »

Look on Youtube, there's always lots of video of past NXT competition and many other NXT creations :)
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Joined: 19 Jan 2012, 16:32

Re: Hi everyone!

Post by marcoloca »

I saw a few of them, really interesting! =) Thanks to one video, we had the idea of building a sort of gripper using four half-wheels, brilliant!
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