Details of NXT-G Move Block Question

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Details of NXT-G Move Block Question

Post by wrutiser »

What is the best source of "deep" information about the NXT-G software and firmware?

Right now, I am interested in how the Move Block data plugs interact with visual interface settings. How is the magnitude of the steering input applied? Is it possible to compute the steering input for a given turning radius?

Are graphical settings completely ignored when a wire is present or do they get combined with the wired value? I overlooked this possibility when experimenting and got somewhat dubious results.

Links to answers will be fine.

Thanks, Bill
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Re: Details of NXT-G Move Block Question

Post by pepijndevos »

The deepest of deepest is probably the Firmware guide by LEGO: ... B2A1F6.pdf

I can't help you much with NXT-G, I'm afraid, I use NBC myself.
-- Pepijn Mindstorms Building Instructions
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Re: Details of NXT-G Move Block Question

Post by btjackson70 »

Hi Bill,

You can calculate the steering value and pass it in on a data wire. This will override the value in the graphical settings. Some line follower programs do this to make the robot steer based on the difference between the light sensor reading and a target value.

I learned lots about the details of how NXT-G works from Terry Griffin's Art of NXT-G If you're looking for a book I highly recommend this one.

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